Problem 2week


At that age over 2 ft but do you have airflow and other grow info
I’m using coco professional, it’s in a 60x60x140cm tent, got a 4” intake and 5” exhaust but I do have a speed control for the exhaust fan too because I found it too powerful. I’ve also got a little fan 4” fan blowing on it inside. thanks
I keep my 250mh about 12" above young plants,
Keep the temps between 20-30c
The plants need very little food at this stage.

My guess, high temps/low humidity or your burning the roots (overfeeding)


Well-Known Member
When my hps are to close I get leaves with calc def showing. And that is what it looks like what you got going on.

The fan should be blowing direct on the plant. If it is not the air inside that container under the rim will be stagnant and get hot real quick.


When my hps are to close I get leaves with calc def showing. And that is what it looks like what you got going on.

The fan should be blowing direct on the plant. If it is not the air inside that container under the rim will be stagnant and get hot real quick.
Thankyou, ive moved the light up hopfully it helps and yes it’s like a little metal usb fan mounted on the wall pointing directly at it, I turn the pot every now and again too


Well-Known Member
Did you charge your coco with calcium and magnesium?
What is your feeding schedule?
What is the pH of your nute solution?
Do you feed plain water?
Do you feed to run off?

Curious minds want to know.


Well-Known Member
“I’ve got my first 2 week old plant that’s starting to show some issues,”

“I’m using coco professional”

There ya go.