New Journal-Northern Lights

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Well-Known Member

If you look close at the second picture I have something special growing with the weed, can anyone guess what it is???:twisted:


Well-Known Member
I finally installed my cooltube and made a few other mods to my flower closet. In went the soil grown Northern Lights. Started flowering on the 1st.



Well-Known Member
Quick update.

One of my plants turned out male so I ripped him up and replaced it with a NL seedling in a peat pellet.

I also took 4 clones from the other NL and topped my hydro NL for clones also.

I have 4 mores seeds from an unknown strain (nirvana freebies) in soil. Along with six clones and three more NL seedlings gives me a total of 17 plants in various stages of growth :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
you got a nice could do a SOG and get a harvest every two weeks if you wanted..Im doing NL two..Where you get your seeds from?My plants looked alot like yours what age where they when you took that pic of the 2 plants.How long did it take you in flower to find out there sex?Your clones are looking great..Check out my grow if you want..
Heres two that are about 3 weeks old.



Well-Known Member
Hi HG420, thanks for the compliment. My goal is to have a setup like Al B. Fuct's but smaller scale to begin with... problem is I can't fucking clone for shit!!!!Arrrgggghhhhh

So I am trying almost every method under the sun, the clones you see in the fytocel tray are practically dead now(the photo was taken just after I cut them), leaves shriveled, plants falling over etc.

I have tried cloning in rockwool following Al B's method with no success. I have just taken 2 more clones off the NL that hasn't flowered yet and put in dirt just so I have a copy, it looks like this ones gonna be a girl!

I also have a aerocloner built but I haven't used as yet...

Seeds are from Nirvana and the big NL in dirt under the HPS was put on 12/12 on the 1st of Jan, it still hasnt shown sex yet but the male showed about a week ago...

I'll have a look at your grow now and if you got any advice on cloning I'm all ears......


Well-Known Member
Okay since replying to the previous post I decided to get my DWC cloner (not aero) in service. Just a bubble stone in the bottom.

I took 4 of the half-failed clones out of the fytocloner and put them in to test it.

Anyway heres what the other clones looked like only 3 days from cutting....

Fingers and toes crossed!!!!!!! Fuck I hate soil and I wanna make the whole setup hydro.

If anyone knows if I should put the air pump on a timer or run it 24/7 please let me know.


Well-Known Member
Update. Northern lights number 1 is a girl!!!!!!!!!!! Showed it's sex yesterday, I have got a couple of clones, they just need to take root. Day 16 of flower.


Well-Known Member

She is looking very healthy but not showing any sign of buddage yet. I think this is due to the fact that I put her on 12/12 before she reached sexual maturity. I'm dont really count the weeks, I just go by when they look ready so this shouldn't be an issue. Anywayz.....

Next update will be when she starts showing some bud growth....


Well-Known Member
Okay i know I said I wouldn't update till I had some buds but I put 4 unknown strains in too and I wanted to add it to my journal.

They look like sativa's right? Hope they don't get too tall...



Well-Known Member
Everything is lookin sweet, accept the one that is overstreched and slanted and the older flowering plant looks like is is over fertalized with to much Nitrogen, just my thought though....

Well I wanted to ask you where you bought your NL and if it is 100% NL, also if you were located in the usa. I am looking for a pure NL strain and would like to order some and have them sent to the US.


Well-Known Member
Dont know about the too much nitrogen, I've never given it any, could be a little too much flower nutes tho.... the other ones I cant get closer to the light.... you'll notice how everything is a different height, oh well.

I'm in Australia, they are Nirvana NL.


Well-Known Member
Hehe this is actually my first SOIL grow, it wasnt intended and not what I really want to do but, I'm using leftover hydro nutes, I know, not the best but they only get it once every 4-5 waterings.

I hate dirt but I cant seem to clone for hydro so I just put it in flower, as for the sativas they were free and I was going to put them outside but I dont want to risk my current security...
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