Nutbag Poster
Well-Known Member
Had some repairmen directly in my space over the last couple weeks, and therefore had to stash everything I could to a friends attic (across town). It’s been tough on me mentally. Things are FINALLY returning to normal... it’ll probably be another 3wks before everything’s back up.
anyways. Here’s my 22 (2pks) of Mexican Death Sativa that I’m gonna open-pollinate. These were priority #1 when I had to evacuate.
A toast to you for doing an OP with those! A second toast for doing it with TWO full packs. And then a third for fighting through the headaches to keep the project alive. Stashing away a big sack of seeds from a rare, pure sativa line is a very smart move.
In lieu of an actual toast, I think I'll do three bong hits in your honor. It's Friday. Cheers!