How many grams are usualy in a dime

yuri orlov

Well-Known Member
it depend what kind of weed it is if its some rea real good its a gram maby a lil more if its some regs like 2.5


Well-Known Member
Traditionally a dime bag is a 1/4 Oz which is 7grams. Back in the day there were:
nickle bags 3.5g (nick) $5
dime bags 7g $10
1/2 Oz 14g (2 fingers) $20
Oz (4 fingers) $40


Well-Known Member
Traditionally a dime bag is a 1/4 Oz which is 7grams
nickle bags 3.5g (nick) $5
dime bags 7g $10
1/2 Oz 14g (2 fingers) $20
Oz (4 fingers) $40
uh, no. this isnt 1978.
around here a dub is a gram, a dime would be .5 grams.
good reefer goes for 20 a gram, 50 for 3.5 and 100 for 7 and so on.
with zips going for 250-350 depending on who you know.
thats just here, wich is nowhere realy.


Active Member
I guess for DRO a dime would be less than a gram. I've only seen people sell dimes of shwag though and that was typically 7 grams


Well-Known Member
its usually 10 bucks...half 8th... 1.75 of some mids.. i usually just say let me get a half 8th of some headies


Well-Known Member
a dime usually varies from dealer,, to place and most importantly grades of weed, i'll give u a breakdwn of a dime from a dealers POV

zona (considered better than regs, hazey characteristics here): 0.7-1g


Well-Known Member

I don't know what part of the contenent you guys live. Where I'm at its

$5 for a nickle bag which is 1g
$10 for a dime which is 2.5g
$30 for a .25oz (~7g)
and $80 an oz.

But this is all for mids and regs, if its for the stuff most of us grow then your price is roughly $100 for .25oz.

Thankfully I haven't bought any in nearly 3 years. Oddly enough I had more money then. I thought stop buying would save me money. Nope, all goes to food. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Where I'm at an eighth of shwag is called a twenty sac. And a dime is half an eighth, so about 1 1/2 - 2 grams or so.


New Member
The medical clubs around here sell eighths for $80. Everything else is proportionate

If you go direct, and you are buying really top quality, the prices are around:

1 gram = $20.
1/8 = $60.
1/4 = $120.
1/2 = $220.
1 oz = $400.
1lb = $3200 - $4800 depending upon time of year and quality.


Well-Known Member
In the U.K. Generally We pay 20 (roughly $40 us) english pounds for 1/8 (3.5 grams). 10 pounds will get u between 1.5 n 1.7 grams. £40 will get u 7grams. But at the moment the south of england has been swept with weed that has been spayed. I pretyy sure and very hopeful that knowone here has ever heard of this but basically they are cutting our weed alot of it nice weed (only import). This has pushed the price up over the last 6 months for 'clean weed' meaning that for a nice bag of cured weed some dealers are charging £10 for a gram. I have been managing to get the prices and weights i mention first for what i call homegrown which is damp weed, definately not cured and not hung for more than a day before being bagged, it has a horrible chloryphill taste but is much better than smokin herb with hairspray or glue or whatever other BS they cover the ganja with.

Maybe a little off topic but thaught some of u may be intrested to know the weed state in the U.K.