The best story I can think of is One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
Most people saw the movie first, Jack Nicholson stars along with many other big stars (Louis Fletcher, Danny Devito, Michael Douglas, Chris Lloyd, etc) and it was such a well made movie that it surpasses the book, and won the Big 5 - Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, Best Movie, amongst 9 total Oscars.
If you havent seen the movie, or read Ken's book, you are in for a treat. It wasnt until later in life that I learned Ken wrote this, and he did so while tripping on acid. He worked in a psych ward, and invented the story based upon what he saw (both real, and imagined on acid).
In the last 100 years of film only a handful of movies have received as many awards. Ken managed to write a story that became one of the top movies of all time, and a seminal moment in the country's understanding of how mental illness was being "treated".
Whether you think of Ken Kesey, or Michael Phelps swimming...dont ever believe those squares that tell you drugs are for losers. They are also for those who accomplished some of the greatest feats in history. Jerry Garcia, anyone?
The merry pranksters were also incredibly fortunate to have one of our country's greatest authors take an interest in them, when Tom Wolfe wrote the seminal Electric Kool Aid Acid Test. The form of writing used in this book was magical. Known as The New Journalism, it was a vivid portrait portrayed in a fashion never quite used before. The list of authors that began writing in this form around that time is a list of some of the greatest authors ever.
The best stories of this time were...
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and
The Electeic Kool Aid Acid Test