Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
No doubt running in Florida on Trump's TV!


Well-Known Member
The republicans continue their slide into lunacy. Let the death threats to Liz begin, by the end of primary season the transmogrification will be complete and they will have gone off the deep end completely. May the biggest asshole, psycho and lunatic win, just wait till you see what the base will vomit up for 2022. Christ help you (and us) if they should gain power again, they are not just a real and present danger but and existential threat.
Liz Cheney hits back at Trump: 2020 election was not stolen

Rep. LIz Cheney (R-UT) responded to a statement from former President Donald Trump saying the 2020 presidential election was not stolen and anyone who claims otherwise is pushing the Big Lie. Cheney, the number 3 Republican in the House, is now facing renewed calls within her party to be removed from her leadership post.


Well-Known Member
That's not all folks.

Judge orders release of Trump obstruction memo, accuses Barr of being 'disingenuous'
A federal judge has ordered the Department of Justice (DOJ) to release a March 2019 legal memo clearing former President Trump of potential obstruction of justice charges following the Mueller investigation, with the judge accusing former Attorney General William Barr and agency lawyers of deceiving the public.

District Judge Amy Berman Jackson on Monday ordered the DOJ to release the legal memo within two weeks in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington (CREW).

The DOJ had argued in court that the full memo — portions of which have already been released — should be withheld because it falls under exceptions to the public records law for attorney-client privilege and deliberative government decisionmaking.

But Jackson said on Monday that those claims were not consistent with her own review of the unredacted memo or the timeline revealed by internal emails among top Justice Department officials.

Jackson, who was appointed to the federal district court in Washington, D.C., by former President Obama, wrote in a scathing 41-page decision that "not only was the Attorney General being disingenuous then, but DOJ has been disingenuous to this Court with respect to the existence of a decision-making process that should be shielded by the deliberative process privilege."

There is more to the article, worth taking a look. I can't wait for them to release the legal memo.


Well-Known Member
That's not all folks.

Judge orders release of Trump obstruction memo, accuses Barr of being 'disingenuous'
A federal judge has ordered the Department of Justice (DOJ) to release a March 2019 legal memo clearing former President Trump of potential obstruction of justice charges following the Mueller investigation, with the judge accusing former Attorney General William Barr and agency lawyers of deceiving the public.

District Judge Amy Berman Jackson on Monday ordered the DOJ to release the legal memo within two weeks in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington (CREW).

The DOJ had argued in court that the full memo — portions of which have already been released — should be withheld because it falls under exceptions to the public records law for attorney-client privilege and deliberative government decisionmaking.

But Jackson said on Monday that those claims were not consistent with her own review of the unredacted memo or the timeline revealed by internal emails among top Justice Department officials.

Jackson, who was appointed to the federal district court in Washington, D.C., by former President Obama, wrote in a scathing 41-page decision that "not only was the Attorney General being disingenuous then, but DOJ has been disingenuous to this Court with respect to the existence of a decision-making process that should be shielded by the deliberative process privilege."

There is more to the article, worth taking a look. I can't wait for them to release the legal memo.
The release by the Garland DOJ should happen very quickly and defending any such pending lawsuits will be dropped by the US federal government.

All these clowns are in deep shit and I don't think they or most people realize how deep the shit will end up being. One thing leads to another and when they squeeze the weasels lot's of things will pop out as a result of plea agreements.


Well-Known Member
new ford broncos have an integrated bottle opener in their rear cargo- i gotta have one now..i can't believe they actually thought that's enough of a selling point to mention during commercial.

rev al sharpton shocked me today he doesn't look right.
You could save a lot by just buying a bottle opener.


Well-Known Member
Harry Reid: GOP Is Party Of Goofballs Under Trump’s Influence

Fmr. Democratic Senator and Majority Leader Harry Reid joins MSNBC's Brian Williams and discusses the fight within the Republican party over Liz Cheney's refusal to support Trump's false claim that he won the 2020 election.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday he was demanding that America needs to stop the "woke movement"
George Wallace would be proud of todays GQP
I think what the democrats should do is change the voting rights act to make ballot access available to more political parties nationally. A two party system is little better than a single party system and dangerous if one party should go off the rails, which is what happened. Federal law should be used to eliminate all obstacles to third and forth party ballot access and open up the political system. Two parties work as well as two mega corporations would do as the only players in a free market and one of the companies just went bankrupt. A two party system is as sure a sign of a weak democracy as a one party system and for patriotic Americans, there is only one party, the democrats.

At the very least make a federal law that requires open primaries in all the states, then let the SCOTUS strike it down. I doubt given the current political situation, that they will, the conservatives on the court know that this would be the only way to save the republican party. Even the republicans in the house and senate might have a hard time voting against it, let the SCOTUS worry about the constitution, since political parties aren't mentioned at all.


Well-Known Member
You could save a lot by just buying a bottle opener.
Isn't everything screw top these days? WTF uses a church key any more to open beer bottles and cans have pull tabs. Now an integrated beer cooler using the vehicle AC might be something, but it would be frowned upon by MADD!


Well-Known Member
Michigan Republicans stopped caring about your safety ages ago; now they want to ditch COVID safety measures for graduations, turning them into super-spreaders. This is a recipe for disaster.


Well-Known Member
Michigan Republicans stopped caring about your safety ages ago; now they want to ditch COVID safety measures for graduations, turning them into super-spreaders. This is a recipe for disaster.
Oh, I don't know, perhaps your local "finest" will do the job for them.

Many police officers spurn coronavirus vaccines as departments hold off on mandates
Low immunization levels suggest hesitancy is pervasive, posing risks to public safety

Police officers were among the first front-line workers to gain priority access to coronavirus vaccines. But their vaccination rates are lower than or about the same as those of the general public, according to data made available by some of the nation’s largest law enforcement agencies.

The reluctance of police to get the shots threatens not just their own health, but also the safety of people they’re responsible for guarding, monitoring and patrolling, experts say.
At the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, just 39 percent of employees have gotten at least one dose, officials said, compared to more than 50 percent of eligible adults nationwide. In Atlanta, 36 percent of sworn officers have been vaccinated. And a mere 28 percent of those employed by the Columbus Division of Police — Ohio’s largest police department — report having received a shot.

The assholes are going to kill as many as they can. A knee on the neck is just one way.