January 6th, 2021


Well-Known Member
Entitled bitch complains that Trump lied to him.

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“Yes he woke us up, but he led us to believe some great justice was upon us ... and it never happened,” Nordean wrote of Trump in the Telegram message, revealed by federal prosecutors this week. “Now I’ve got some of my good friends and myself facing jail time cuz we followed this guys lead and never questioned it.”

Nordean, who was arrested a week after posting the Telegram message, seemed to realize Trump would not be issuing pardons for him and fellow members of his violent gang.

“We are now and always have been on our own,” Nordean wrote. “So glad he was able to pardon a bunch of degenerates as his last move and shit on us on the way out.”

In April, bail was revoked for both Nordean and Biggs after federal prosecutors successfully argued the two men were central figures in planning the attack.

Trump, upon leaving office, relocated to his Florida country club.

“Fuck you Trump you left us on [t]he battlefield bloody and alone,” Nordean wrote on Trump’s last day in the White House.

I'd like him to explain what the "Great Justice" he thought he was helping Trump enact. I might even settle for less than the 20 years he's facing if he helps link Trump to it in exchange for a guilty plea to lesser charges.

Nordean and Biggs were main leaders of the fascist group, the Proud Boys that plagued Portland for years:

The Proud Boys, a self-described "Western chauvinist" organization, is considered a violent, nationalistic, Islamophobic, transphobic and misogynistic hate group, according to the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization that tracks extremist groups. Proud Boys members marched at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and have organized against Black Lives Matter protests in recent months.

The group recently staged a rally in Portland, Oregon, in support of Trump. About 200 people, some armed with guns, attended the rally, short of the expectations of thousands.

Proud Boys organizer Joe Biggs also posted after the debate that he was "standing by," and he said the president "basically said to go f--- them up."
"President Trump told the proud boys to stand by because someone needs to deal with ANTIFA... well sir! we're ready!!" Biggs wrote.

The thing those people conveniently forget is, Antifa is and never has been their enemy, at least not in Portland. Antifa is and always has been about opposition to fascist leadership and cops in the Portland police force. Proud Boys and Trump made it into something larger. Trump lied, people died, Proud Boys cried.
The leader of the oath keepers and probably the proud boys are getting sweet deals to do these fuckers in for conspiracy to commit sedition and insurrection. He will be an old man with a loose asshole by the time he gets out of the slammer and it looks like a lot are going there with him, as part of a "conspiracy", even some who never showed up in Washington DC. There should be quite a few nervous proud boys in Portland and the surrounding area, it sure looks like Uncle Sam is gonna be stomping cockroaches by the hundred up that way. If they were part of the organization they were part of the conspiracy and the feds have the membership lists.


Well-Known Member
The leader of the oath keepers and probably the proud boys are getting sweet deals to do these fuckers in for conspiracy to commit sedition and insurrection. He will be an old man with a loose asshole by the time he gets out of the slammer and it looks like a lot are going there with him, as part of a "conspiracy", even some who never showed up in Washington DC. There should be quite a few nervous proud boys in Portland and the surrounding area, it sure looks like Uncle Sam is gonna be stomping cockroaches by the hundred up that way. If they were part of the organization they were part of the conspiracy and the feds have the membership lists.
Those two were arrested long before the Oath Keeper leader, Jim Arroyo pledged to cooperate with the police (April 16). I don't think Arroyo had anything to do with their arrests. I think Arroyo is a little fish who will lead prosecutors to larger ones. Why were Oath Keepers tasked with protecting Roger Stone? We wonder.


Well-Known Member
Those two were arrested long before the Oath Keeper leader, Jim Arroyo pledged to cooperate with the police (April 16). I don't think Arroyo had anything to do with their arrests. I think Arroyo is a little fish who will lead prosecutors to larger ones. Why were Oath Keepers tasked with protecting Roger Stone? We wonder.
Once they crack the leadership and get them making deals, everybody who was a member is in jeopardy. They also have to tell about any other crimes they know about, like burning down businesses in Portland to make BLM look bad etc.

Getting Roger is important and so is nailing Rudy, those two probably know the most about any Trump links with the insurrectionist. I think Rudy probably knows the most about the insurrection and the "stop the steal" bullshit and can help to deliver a conviction for conspiracy to commit insurrection. If they can nail his ass on that particular charge, they can disqualify him from holding office by a simple majority in both houses. There is plenty of other things that will put Donald away for life anyway. From what I've seen of Trump lately it looks like stress and his life style are catching up to him and his health is fading fast, he's 75 years old and should decline rapidly over the next few years. Stress will accelerate the process considerably.

Joe Biden maintains a healthy lifestyle and should be good to go for a few more years, maybe even a second term, I hope so. Joe will win a lot more votes among independents than Kamala and can give a lot of cover for the democrat's policies. The democrats need every vote they can get for the next 8 years and I figure Joe can help a lot, simply by the fact that he's an old white man! Ya got to use their bigotry against them when ya can, at least for now, I sure hope Joe has long coattails in the 2022 off year elections, they will need them. One thing is for certain, the republicans in their current state cannot be allowed to assume power, they are an existential threat to the nation.


Well-Known Member
The doors were open so they just walked in. It's their house, you know.

how could anybody mistake this guy for a terrorist?

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liberal lies, that's what this "insurrection" is all about. Those images could have been taken at Disneyland.
Remember, the moon landings were faked too! The deep state built a fake capital building in North Dakota and staged the whole thing with crises actors... Shit I could write this stuff for Alex Jones! :lol:


Well-Known Member
The doors were open so they just walked in. It's their house, you know.

how could anybody mistake this guy for a terrorist?

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liberal lies, that's what this "insurrection" is all about. Those images could have been taken at Disneyland.
when was the last time you crawled in through the window at your house to destroy it contents and murder the people inside because Trumpy gaslighted for a year about stolen election?

'there's only one way i can lose and that's if it's stolen'..over and over and over again with an assist from those who thought they were going to get something- Zuckerburg, Bezos and Pikachu.


Well-Known Member
Remember, the moon landings were faked too! The deep state built a fake capital building in North Dakota and staged the whole thing with crises actors... Shit I could write this stuff for Alex Jones! :lol:
you can't keep yelling 'fire' in a crowded theatre where none exists. there has to be some sort of accountability for creating a stampede of 75M people.


Well-Known Member
Stinky likes them dumb, this guy must be one of his favorites.



Well-Known Member
Stinky likes them dumb, this guy must be one of his favorites.

These guys must believe that they will face no consequences.


Well-Known Member
These guys must believe that they will face no consequences.
Everything I've seen about these assholes leads me to this conclusion, they have white privilege and are special. Apparently a lot of judges agree with this assessment too and are coddling them, however federal judges further up the judicial food chain disagree and are jailing them. I think if you are indicted for breaching the capital in an insurrection you should be locked up until your trial and during it. Short of murder and treason, crime doesn't get much more serious than insurrection and sedition, maybe I'm old fashioned though.


Well-Known Member
A very close friend of mine got a visit from the FBI in the last week asking about a family member's activities on Jan 6th.

Good to know they are still looking.
Apparently they will be looking for quite sometime to come and many of these idiots are nervous and should be. I think the feds are going for conspiracy to commit insurrection against the oath keepers and proud boys, anybody who was a member of these groups is also part of the conspiracy, whether they were in DC or not. Conspiracy laws are a real bitch and that's why the feds cut a deal with the leader of the oath keepers and probably proud boys too, whoever can provide a membership list gets a deal.