Well-Known Member
Man I don't know you enough to say if you are a troll of not, but you just gave trolls all kinds of ways to come at you.It doesn't make me dumb to believe in my capabilities as a human being I'm string a warrior in fact unlike you Whose clearly a keyboard warrior that's shit scared of Feb virus. I don't want a vaccine that's my right so stop being abusive it's a sign of stupidity and that your lacking in actual debate. Having lost a child and my partner of 11 years you would think I was entitled to my personal choice. As I said I'm made of strong stuff I'm fit and healthy and I will use ivermectin and zinc as and vitamin d as opposed to some rushed through vaccine accepted by the masses as they need their lives back and NORMALITY. You my friend are a scared little sheep.
If you are a real person it is so incredibly likely that you have been under attack online for years and don't realize it (unless you do).