How Does Your Garden Grow??????

I made one pint of sweet banana rings.

Lots of blooms on the tomatoes, lots of tiny cucumbers..... lots and lots of peppers of all sizes....... my California Wonder bells were mislabeled and I don’t know what the hell I’m growing but I know it ain’t a bell.
Blueberrys will be ready soon.
Peach tree is loaded...... I culled a bunch after this pic
Huckleberries are ripe here. Looks like they dodged the late frost. Blueberries took a beating. There are a few here and there, but not going to be a good year.

Yesterday I got the rest of the okra and sunflowers transplanted into the field at the riverhouse. Also planted two rows of okra, and planted new hills between the existing hills of Armenian cukes, spaghetti and acorn squash. Oh, and two rows of the Flint Indian corn.

Between the sprinklers and the rain, most of the stuff in the sandhill garden is coming up.

I spent most of my morning yesterday shelling out cypress and magnolia seeds. I planted 4x5 foot plots of each, and have a gallon of cypress and almost two of magnolia seeds leftover. I put them in the freezer for now. Maybe I will plant more next moon cycle.

This is what the inside of a cypress ball looks like.


This was from 2 gallons of balls.



Trying to get everything ready for next weekend. I make my plants getting out some hours a day, tomatoes, peppers cucumbers, canabis and lot of others. ill update when everything will be transplant


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The north half of the sandhill garden.

The runts of saved seed mammoth jalapeno.


Flint Indian corn in kiddie pool. This corn and the peppers are on soaker hoses. Nothing else is.


Sweet corn. This is the little plot I plowed with the push plow.

Dipped down to 32 last night. Had to put a small heater in behind the tomatoes. Made a quick cover for the onions. Looks like that will be the last frost. I hope. E8672511-CCE7-4D1A-A1AA-D7AA3A5D6182.jpeg11C379E3-C81B-4647-B6FE-B4E1FE07C5C0.jpeg
From this D0909140-A606-476D-B9E1-F65EF004C4C8.jpeg

to this in five weeks.... tomatoes on the steak hybrid and the cherry. Planted seven better boys over the weekend. Also some zucchini and more peppers......speaking of.......E7E28414-1073-4D71-872C-28CFC6B20C28.jpeg
Cucumbers are loaded with..... well cucumbers, will be having some this week.

Best of all was the company I keep F62FACC3-8902-4D07-974A-1179D9B1F135.jpeg
Meet the garden nome.
My garden is a mess but things are growing and I've been eating from it. Actually my whole yard is a mess. I need to get off my ass and clean things up. I'm doing some entertaining this summer and I can't have people over with the yard in the state it's in.




I put the tomatoes, peppers, and a couple eggplants in. I packed them in pretty tight. I added some EWC to every hole when I planted and watered in with some IMO and FPJ. It's all KNF this year. But so far things are doing as good or better than using chemical fertilizers.


I'll be pulling some turnips tonight or tomorrow for dinner.


As soon as I harvest all the turnips I'll start getting the corn planted along the side of the house.


Like I said, it's a mess but in another month it will be nothing but a sea of green.

Geez couldn't imagine having that nice of weather so early in the year.Having double crops etc.My potatoes are just poking out now its been a month.Today is rain and a high of 42,yippee.
I really need a greenhouse.
Geez couldn't imagine having that nice of weather so early in the year.Having double crops etc.My potatoes are just poking out now its been a month.Today is rain and a high of 42,yippee.
I really need a greenhouse.

I always get started early. Some years it doesn't pay off. This year we had a very warm and dry April and the early crops got off to a good start. In some spots I'm going to get 3 or more crops. After I harvest the corn I'll plant more turnips and beets down the side of the house. And stuff like radishes and lettuce I'll just keep replanting all summer. I'm planting a ton of fall stuff this year as room becomes available.

We have a pretty mild climate here in Portland. Mild winters and moderate summers. Usually nothing extreme. But lately we haven't been getting all the rain we've been known for. Fortunately it's raining today.
One day last week I didn't get to water until the afternoon. The tomatoes in cups were not happy.


I put 15 or so of them in pots. (and used them to mark the seed beds for the cypress and magnolia) I have less than a tray of the small cups left, but will likely cull some of those. Lots and lots of homestead and beefsteak. (which I have about a pound of seed from each)

I posted these pics in our door growing area first. But here it is… along with Lao Village cannabis and purple rock candy, i am also growing beef steak tomatoes, yellow cherry tomatoes, patio cherry tomatoes. Also spinach, broccoli, green lettuce, dill weed. This is companion planted with the Lao village and purple rock candy. I also have started a 3rd herb garden area as well this year. Last year I was not able to do any gardening aside from growing weed in my indoor grow tent. As I was working 7 days a week for 60+ hours a week. So this year I wanted to get a head start.


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Picked green beans and cayenne last night. Found one acorn squash and Arm cuke almost ready, but didn't get pictures. And the biggest spaghetti squash is starting to lighten. Also a few blooms on the zukes by the river. That bed is looking rough. I took out a few too close weeds this morning, but still need to rework the area close by.
