paris hilton rules the courts

she brought it upon herself, she obviously realizes shes a huge icon and when you do stupid shit like drink and drive the nation will have a microscope on her, now she will know not to do stupid shit cause crap like this will happen and she cant take the heat
she got let out. the sheriff, not the judge, decided she could go how with an anklet. the judge is pissed. the sheriff is in trouble. paris said she was sick. the news said it could be anything "from a rash to a nervous breakdown". i have a feeling she is going to be in big trouble with that judge. he already has a hard-on for her. :hump::hump: | Paris Hilton may be sent back behind bars

They already sent her back to jail like 3 days ago and she cried and said it was not right look for it on
the reason she doesn't want media attantion right now is because if it wasn't for the media in the first place she might of not had to do anytime...after the news gotta hold of it an spread it around the country this action made people voice their own opinion's an bam she's in jail..then she is again all over it opinion's again fly an back to jail she sure if the media stepped back she would have gotten off after the intial yes she has no tit' know who used to be fine but is nasty as shit now was nicole richie...i love little mexi girls...
she got a boob job.

i think its crap how she thinks just cause a dads a million air she thinks she can get away with it she should be sent away for at least a year just to teach her a lesson. cant sand that spolit bitch.:evil: