I have 4 femenized seeds red diesel plants that are one month old in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and they started yellowing alittle after 3 weeks, so I gave them 1/4 strength nutes and they looked good then the next time I just gave them plain PDed water. The nute bottle said feed, water, water, feed, but after I gave them the plain PHed water they started turning more yellow so I just gave them 1/4 strength nutes this last time, I did feed, water, feed because of the yellowing. That was two days ago and I think it has helped some. Should I give them more nute water this time after I gave them nute water on two days ago so they might turn more green or should I just go ahead and give them water this time and then next time bump it up to 1/2 strength? I just do not want the yellowing to get worse on the new growth. thanks