meh plenty of people claim to have it or that they have a cut with the smell / terps but most people now a days don't even know wtf their talking about ! #1 they have never even smelled a skunk that's been run over and had it's spray sac pushed out its ass the hard way.
#2 They are not old enough to even know wtf they are talking about if you where not smoking weed from about 1988 to around 1998 was the last time i have seen what i know to be the real deal around. Although i'm pretty sure it was around before even that time frame
#2b And i don't care about the stories your older brother or uncle or even your daddy told you.
#3 I'm not claiming to know the exact genetic make up ( Sorry i'm not Matty ) or to know exactly where it came from originally nor do i care . I do know the people that i know that held the genetics were much older then me by about 35 to 40 years .
#4 They were not about to share
. Gmo nope not even close try again the 91 Chem Va cut your getting warmer but nope still not it . You couldn't even carry on your person with out everyone with in two blocks knowing you had it .