I've seen the Italian ship, it is striking with the white and black, then all the teak railing and longboats.
It definitely stood out in the tall ship pack.
This is the Bounty ( From the 1960 movie) a week before she sailed off to her doom in Hurricane Sandy.
I saw it moored in a cove, middle of nowhere, couple hundred miles north a few weeks earlier, thought it was pirates for sure.
The story of the Essex is unbeliveable.I like this museum for the pics. Peabody Essex
Why was she sailing into Hurricane Sandy? What kind of crazy shit is that. The owner might have been possessed.I've seen the Italian ship, it is striking with the white and black, then all the teak railing and longboats.
It definitely stood out in the tall ship pack.
This is the Bounty ( From the 1960 movie) a week before she sailed off to her doom in Hurricane Sandy.
I saw it moored in a cove, middle of nowhere, couple hundred miles north a few weeks earlier, thought it was pirates for sure.
The Captain thought he was Ted Turner( previous owner), could sail faster than the windWhy was she sailing into Hurricane Sandy? What kind of crazy shit is that. The owner might have been possessed.
Thats the ship that Moby Dick is based on, Peabody Essex is a museum. They have a big nautical collection.The story of the Essex is unbeliveable.
I can't imagine.
What an egomaniac and idiot! Did he survive?that ship was gorgeous!! Is it possible to scuba dive in the ruins ?The Captain thought he was Ted Turner( previous owner), could sail faster than the wind
Why was she sailing into Hurricane Sandy? What kind of crazy shit is that. The owner might have been possessed.
I don’t get it; splain please?