Well-Known Member
Except that the coronavirus is small enough to pass right through a N95 or KN95...
so does your tin foil hat ..… if you feel safer under a rock then so be it.
Your misinformation quest is futile.
Except that the coronavirus is small enough to pass right through a N95 or KN95...
Except that the coronavirus is small enough to pass right through a N95 or KN95...
fk off arsehat.You're slipping, you forgot to tell me to fuck off, or offer up some other childish retort.
Oh look, more children.fk off arsehat.
Thats me young fella, cute as.Oh look, more children.
How cute.
No I don’t know what your IQ is but if I was to guess, I’d put you in the mid 60’s.Nope. Never.
And I know what my IQ is.
Do you?
Fun fact: Keys aren't magnetic. They're an alloy engineered specifically NOT to be magnetic.
You are a fucking lying moron, and there are still pages to go.I'm American.
And our hospitals are and were empty.
Did you not see all the social media video's going around of all the hospital nurses dancing, all choreographed?
Here in the US we have nurses being layed off! In a pandemic?!
The entire "pandemic" is a hoax.
The virus may be real, but the hysteria that came up around it was all a fear campaign.
It was NEVER about the virus, it has ALWAYS been about the vaccine.
Think about that for a minute.
This has been PLANNED for a very long time.
They want everybody vaxxed, for reasons that are truly evil.
Instead of people running around calling others names and trying to enforce their low intelligence opinions, which do nothing but divide us, we all need to unite and fight this very real war we are in.
Because a sock puppet troll who is spreading the same bullshit lies that hate mongering propagandists have been paying to get spread?Lol!
You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, but you're funny.
Do you guys ever get tired of being wrong? Or is it so ingrained into your daily lives you just roll with it.
A wise man once said, "its better to sit back, say nothing, and be thought an idiot, than to speak up and confirm it".
I guess you dolts have never heard this though...
Have a fantastic day ladies!
It is only approved for emergency use. It's not been long-term tested, and is experimental gene therapy.
This is fact.
Anyone who says differently is either a blithering idiot (feel free to chime in you guys) or is selling something.
I would be more than happy to discuss this with you further as you seem genuinely interested and a decent person. But the children here make it difficult. So I'll just drop things and you can decide for yourself.
Long story short - this is a battle between good and evil.
We are in the fog of war.
What IS your IQ?Lol!
You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, but you're funny.
Do you guys ever get tired of being wrong? Or is it so ingrained into your daily lives you just roll with it.
A wise man once said, "its better to sit back, say nothing, and be thought an idiot, than to speak up and confirm it".
I guess you dolts have never heard this though...
Have a fantastic day ladies!
You're slipping, you forgot to tell me to fuck off, or offer up some other childish retort.
Viruses don't typically fly around without being attached to a large glob of mucus.Except that the coronavirus is small enough to pass right through a N95 or KN95...
I guessed mid 60’s but he said I was wrong.What IS your IQ?
The truth is right in front of you.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zerowww.zerohedge.com
As crazy as it sounds, this is the truth.
It is only approved for emergency use. It's not been long-term tested, and is experimental gene therapy.
This is fact.
Anyone who says differently is either a blithering idiot (feel free to chime in you guys) or is selling something.
I would be more than happy to discuss this with you further as you seem genuinely interested and a decent person. But the children here make it difficult. So I'll just drop things and you can decide for yourself.
Long story short - this is a battle between good and evil.
We are in the fog of war.
On a person selling, "We are going to see another pandemic." That is a safe bet. That is why we have the vaccines that we have. The technology was accelerated when SARS hit. That is part of what the experts got wrong. They thought it was another SARS virus that would behave like SARS. That is why the big push on hand washing. But we learned it is more airborne transmitted.Pre-planned.
WATCH: 2018 Video Shows Wuhan Lab Partner Scheming on How to Make Money from a Pandemic. - The National Pulse
While speaking at a conference in 2018, Wuhan Institute of Virology collaborator Dr. Ralph Baric advised attendees on how to "make money" in the next pandemic.thenationalpulse.com
Except that the coronavirus is small enough to pass right through a N95 or KN95...
The truth is right in front of you.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zerowww.zerohedge.com
Please excuse the quick pasting the comments here. I have been working on something and I have to get back to it but I wanted to reply to you.
Actually I wanted to know why (s)he had the ideas he/she has. I have talked to some people who do not trust the vaccine as it was approved quickly but I have never talked to anyone who thinks the vaccine was brought about for nefarious reasons.
Science is a thing that can grow and change given more time. I have added to it myself and it was not a linear thing, it was not an 'Ah Ha' moment. Mind you I found out that I had the answer a year before I found the answer, I just did not know I had it. As far as the CDC having all the answers, we know they do not. We are all doing the best we can.
That someone (Dr Evil) is trying to take over the world?
I would like to know more of this. No really. I have been observing society for some time to see where it is going.
"it was approved quickly"
Yes. We did not have years to pay scientists to pay off their cottage, we needed a fix quickly. Given the time period we did fairly well. What was the alternative?
Thank you. I have talked to people with different opinions from mine. Who is right? More like a little you, a little me. I doubt one person has the answer. More times I see it as people looking at the same facts but from a different perspective.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zerowww.zerohedge.com
On a person selling, "We are going to see another pandemic." That is a safe bet. That is why we have the vaccines that we have. The technology was accelerated when SARS hit. That is part of what the experts got wrong. They thought it was another SARS virus that would behave like SARS. That is why the big push on hand washing. But we learned it is more airborne transmitted.
Yes, if you just think in terms of the virus. But it is usually suspended in spit. People spray each other all the time. They did a laser
experiment with people talking, showing the spray. Any barrier can catch some droplets. The first masks they wanted everyone to wear were cloth (because there was a shortage of medical quality masks), and they were to catch what you exhale. Afterward they found that they can give some protection for the wearer. We are in the mist of probably the biggest science experiment the world has seen (I am sure you agree).
But back to the N-95 masks that catch particles smaller than the hole size in the mask. They do it by electrostatic attraction. The guy that invented it (I vaguely remember it being 20 years ago but I could be wrong) changed the world with it, at least the PPE world.
Effectiveness of Surgical and Cotton Masks in Blocking SARS–CoV-2: A Controlled Comparison in 4 Patients | Annals of Internal Medicine
The First Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial of Mask Use in Households to Prevent Respiratory Virus Transmission - International Journal of Infectious Diseases
N95-electrocharged filtration principle based face mask design using common materials
The content on this webpage is now out of date. Further work was undertaken after this webpage was created. The full details of this work can now be accessed from the published manuscript at: M. M. Bandi, "Electrocharged facepiece respirator fabrics using common materials", Proc. Roy. Soc. A...groups.oist.jp
Again, science is updating what you know from new information.
I am only making a brief answer to some of the points you bring up. As I said I have been into this since it started. My interest is in part driven by my time working in a hospital. I was part of a crew that took care of the heating, cooling, air delivery. This included isolation rooms up to a dozen we upgraded for Ebola. I also contracted a condition due to my work and it was an odd one. When I showed my doctor the papers I used to describe what happened to me he said, "You realize no doctor will know this?" Sad to say that is true. My pain doctor said I should publish a paper, maybe one day. I have a lot of life to make up.
I can easily say I have read more than a thousand medical papers. Or at least skimmed them to eliminate them as they do not help me. But I learned a fair bit of the body and the science behind it. One Neurologist I saw at the time said, "A person could learn a lot on a narrow area (this is the part I do not remember her words). Not sure if she was congratulating me but I think more she felt threatened that I may know more than her in my condition but she knows much more outside of my sliver of knowledge. I can concede that to her gladly. In the end she was one of the people that screwed me rather than help me. I was a square peg with people wanting only round holes.
Sometimes I ramble. But the point is I am not a medical professional but I am a good sponge for knowledge. I am a knowledge junky you might say. Anyway, that is my background why I have my opinions. I see through things with science in mind (my day job before the hospital was in engineering and then teaching. I was suppose to only be at the hospital briefly, sort of got stuck there).
I have read papers where the people got the wrong answer but I understand why they thought they were right. Given what they had to work with they came up with the best answer they could. I just was lucky that I stumbled onto some information they did not have (cue my doctor saying no doctor would know this). So yes I am interested in what you think is going on. I may not agree with you, I may take bits and pieces to augment my views. Hopefully I can enlighten others with my scant pieces of reality. But reality is a fluid thing. I look in anticipation for it to change as the future becomes the now. I would find life boring if we knew everything.