7 Chances to Win 5 Holy Punch Seeds from Green House Seeds!


The Vault are Super happy to bring you a new competition from the awesome guys and gals at Green House Seeds.

With SEVEN different entry methods, your chance to get your hands on some Green House Seeds, rolling papers and cool stickers is here! (and of course the obligatory “The Vault” T Shirt)

Enter now via RollItUp to win:

A pack of 5 Green House Seeds - Holy Punch
T Shirt & Some Stickers + Papers

To enter all you need to do is comment on this thread!

To read more about this promo and enter via 6 other methods visit http://www.cannabis-seeds-store.co.uk/Cannabis-Seeds-News/greenhouse-seeds-co-compo-promo-7-winners

The closing date to enter is Thursday 7th June, midnight UK Time and the Winners will be announced Friday 8th June. The winning entries will be picked at random.

Also, look out for a 10% discount code on all Green House Seeds for this week.

Legal Disclaimer: The competition winner will have their prize sent to them via recorded delivery. If you win the competition but don’t receive your prize, we cannot resend competition seeds, so you’ll have to raise this with your local delivery service (In the UK, for example, this would be Royal Mail).

Remember: It is illegal to germinate cannabis seeds in many countries. It is our duty to inform you of this fact and to urge you to obey all of your local laws to the letter. The Vault only ever sells or sends out seeds for souvenir, collection or novelty purposes.
jellybeans don't kill
yea no kiddin ,I've been here plenty of time since then ,never got alerted that I had a message in my inbox ,only saw it today when I messaged to claim the Kannabia contest lol it's all good
Oh shit, you were the winner! Yeah that would be a pisser for sure. Sorry brudda.

on the other side of it, what are the odds that both winners of the recent contest were also prior winners of other contests. I’m gonna have you guys buy my lotto tickets.

The Vault are Super happy to bring you a new competition from the awesome guys and gals at Green House Seeds.

With SEVEN different entry methods, your chance to get your hands on some Green House Seeds, rolling papers and cool stickers is here! (and of course the obligatory “The Vault” T Shirt)

Enter now via RollItUp to win:

A pack of 5 Green House Seeds - Holy Punch
T Shirt & Some Stickers + Papers

To enter all you need to do is comment on this thread!

To read more about this promo and enter via 6 other methods visit http://www.cannabis-seeds-store.co.uk/Cannabis-Seeds-News/greenhouse-seeds-co-compo-promo-7-winners

The closing date to enter is Thursday 7th June, midnight UK Time and the Winners will be announced Friday 8th June. The winning entries will be picked at random.

Also, look out for a 10% discount code on all Green House Seeds for this week.

Legal Disclaimer: The competition winner will have their prize sent to them via recorded delivery. If you win the competition but don’t receive your prize, we cannot resend competition seeds, so you’ll have to raise this with your local delivery service (In the UK, for example, this would be Royal Mail).

Remember: It is illegal to germinate cannabis seeds in many countries. It is our duty to inform you of this fact and to urge you to obey all of your local laws to the letter. The Vault only ever sells or sends out seeds for souvenir, collection or novelty purposes.
What a great deal....I've heard good things about Green House Seeds.....would really like to give them a go!