Pandemic 2020

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Ok …. This bitch is a national threat. Anybody got the zodiac killers email or tik tok ?

She will end up getting somebody killed and not just from covid misinformation…. Please for the love of god grab these outliers and jimmy hoffa them or Guantanamo . I would like to thank the MOLE that got this recorded for history. Lets have her eat her words when some catastrophe happens.

I tell you that you are wrong. In doing so I have spent many hours digging for information to back up my opinion. How is that mandating others follow my reasoning more than your reasoning? I counter what I think of as misinformation because that line of thinking has caused near term deaths and a battling the virus has cause much damage to society. You are saying in the future there might be a problem. Yes I understand that and I have said the benefits outweigh the risk at this time.

What health problems will the infected with the virus have in long term? It can be much greater than your imagined health issues but the difference is we know people are having long term covid. We know many people that had to be hospitalized come out of it with health issues. I know what the effects can be, my sister is living with the same scars that many covid patients will have, she is a victim of the SARS outbreak. And this is one reason I have countered many of you posts. I have tried to do it with reason and facts. You can have your own individual choice and not get vaccinated. But when you try to influence others in inaction that will have negative effects on society and my life, I will speak out.
I think that for me at the end of the day, there is a fundamental difference between "mandating" that people stop at stop signs vs mandating that people put something in their bodies which they don't want. If we're going to start mandates based on what goes into people's bodies "for the good of society", we should have started decades ago by outlawing fast-food. I think people should be allowed to take their chance with covid, rather than being forced to take a vax which could turn aout all bad in a few years. Once you take the vax you can't untake it or "detox" from it, however on the other hand you can heal yourself if you do end up getting sick. Since there is finally widespread acceptance of what I've said for months, that vaxxed people can still contract and spread covid, the whole argument that the unvaxxed are some kind of lepers is out the window. The new vax campaign shift is clearly moving towards "take the vax to keep yourself out of the hospital when you get covid", so let people make a personal choice if they want that or not. Clearly it's not even really a vax if it does not stop infection or transmission; it's an advance therapeutic plain and simple.
Ok …. This bitch is a national threat. Anybody got the zodiac killers email or tik tok ?

She will end up getting somebody killed and not just from covid misinformation…. Please for the love of god grab these outliers and jimmy hoffa them or Guantanamo . I would like to thank the MOLE that got this recorded for history. Lets have her eat her words when some catastrophe happens.

someone? anyone?..a past due parking ticket maybe? the head needs to be cut off for the tail to die.
Vaccinations prevent infection, and transmission. These mRNA injections do not do that.

It's been proven that those that do get the vaccine suffer much milder symptoms if they do still get Covid. There's a reason that the recent spike in hospitalizations and deaths is people that were unvaccinated so it's much more effective than not getting vaccinated.

The vaccine is saving lives and keeping those that have been vaccinated out of the hospital.
It's been proven that those that do get the vaccine suffer much milder symptoms if they do still get Covid. There's a reason that the recent spike in hospitalizations and deaths is people that were unvaccinated so it's much more effective than not getting vaccinated.

The vaccine is saving lives and keeping those that have been vaccinated out of the hospital.
It hasn't actually been proven, that's only hyperbole. There are not yet enough facts to prove what you are asserting. Unfortunately the US hasn't really tracked the data of illness and hospitalization among the vaxxed vs unvaxxed which we need to make real conclusions. It is interesting however if you look at the data from other countries with high vaccination rates who do keep very good records, such as Israel, and that data paints a different picture than what is typically advertised by the US media.
Vaccines are here to protect against “ more severe “ infections- no one stated these are 100% . Many of the ill-informed have been inoculated SINCE birth for various things … mothers have taken children for their early age vaccines…..

It is madness to construe a nefarious reason why these vaccines exist. Virology has been in place for decades - science always advancing, we have the tech to move on this quickly and for one should be thankful such medicine exists. As the the virus runs unchecked in the wild - potential new variants/ possibly more hardened will take hold and all this work to control it … gone.

We are merely trying to temper it in its current form.
This virus had a whole year to explode into a new form … one fucking year. If these vaccines were not available as they are … where do you think we would be ? …..

I find these arm chair “scientists” to be a bigger threat. We should be bending over backwards knowing that THIS COUNTRY has the best of best vaccines available … where other countries suffer with chinese / russian vaxs that are questionable. 3 of my clients that i would service died from covid … remembering one “ guy “ that “ insisted i remove my mask while in his home “ …. I would always refuse.
Now his wife called our office to stop our services at her home due to his death. I mask everywear , i trust NOONE.

It doesn’t take a god damn astrophysicist to KNOW that humans are its dominant host … therefore it will mutate to survive . We must contain it thru any means necessary….
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That is something that is directly incorrect. People are not as likely to spread it when vaccinated.
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"Less likely". Thank you for pointing out that they indeed do not prevent transmission or infection, they only make it "less likely".

A recent outbreak in my area came from a group of people (a touring band) who were documented as fully vaxxed, but apparently got covid on tour and then passed it around to venues). Your theory is false not only on paper, but also in reality.
Ok …. This bitch is a national threat. Anybody got the zodiac killers email or tik tok ?

She will end up getting somebody killed and not just from covid misinformation…. Please for the love of god grab these outliers and jimmy hoffa them or Guantanamo . I would like to thank the MOLE that got this recorded for history. Lets have her eat her words when some catastrophe happens.

Bullet to the temple. MAGA.
I think that for me at the end of the day, there is a fundamental difference between "mandating" that people stop at stop signs vs mandating that people put something in their bodies which they don't want. If we're going to start mandates based on what goes into people's bodies "for the good of society", we should have started decades ago by outlawing fast-food. I think people should be allowed to take their chance with covid, rather than being forced to take a vax which could turn aout all bad in a few years. Once you take the vax you can't untake it or "detox" from it, however on the other hand you can heal yourself if you do end up getting sick. Since there is finally widespread acceptance of what I've said for months, that vaxxed people can still contract and spread covid, the whole argument that the unvaxxed are some kind of lepers is out the window. The new vax campaign shift is clearly moving towards "take the vax to keep yourself out of the hospital when you get covid", so let people make a personal choice if they want that or not. Clearly it's not even really a vax if it does not stop infection or transmission; it's an advance therapeutic plain and simple.

Well they're not mandatory, so why are you focusing on them instead of the ones that are? Give ol' Jennie McCarthy a call, she has several phd's and is a real expert.

I think that for me at the end of the day, there is a fundamental difference between "mandating" that people stop at stop signs vs mandating that people put something in their bodies which they don't want. If we're going to start mandates based on what goes into people's bodies "for the good of society", we should have started decades ago by outlawing fast-food. I think people should be allowed to take their chance with covid, rather than being forced to take a vax which could turn aout all bad in a few years. Once you take the vax you can't untake it or "detox" from it, however on the other hand you can heal yourself if you do end up getting sick. Since there is finally widespread acceptance of what I've said for months, that vaxxed people can still contract and spread covid, the whole argument that the unvaxxed are some kind of lepers is out the window. The new vax campaign shift is clearly moving towards "take the vax to keep yourself out of the hospital when you get covid", so let people make a personal choice if they want that or not. Clearly it's not even really a vax if it does not stop infection or transmission; it's an advance therapeutic plain and simple.
Uh.... ...where is the vaccine mandatory? I have been saying you have the right to not take it. Does that mean you have the right to spread misinformation with bro-science and scare people into not taking it? I thought I made what I thought quite clear. And you decide to spin it that you are being mandated to take it? Fuck man.
It hasn't actually been proven, that's only hyperbole. There are not yet enough facts to prove what you are asserting. Unfortunately the US hasn't really tracked the data of illness and hospitalization among the vaxxed vs unvaxxed which we need to make real conclusions. It is interesting however if you look at the data from other countries with high vaccination rates who do keep very good records, such as Israel, and that data paints a different picture than what is typically advertised by the US media.
CDC: Unvaccinated more than twice as likely to get COVID-19 reinfection
The research determined that unvaccinated Kentucky residents who had a confirmed coronavirus infection last year had a “significantly higher likelihood of reinfection” than those considered fully vaccinated. The study concluded that the unvaccinated were 2.34 times more likely to contract COVID-19 again.

The CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) counters the argument that people previously infected with the coronavirus don’t need the vaccine because natural immunity offers enough protection.

The agency has already recommended that people previously infected with COVID-19 get vaccinated for more protection.

The study involved 246 Kentucky residents who were reinfected in May and June this year after having a confirmed 2020 case. They were compared to 492 controls who had a 2020 infection but were not reinfected.

“These findings suggest that among persons with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, full vaccination provides additional protection against reinfection,” the report reads. “To reduce their risk of infection, all eligible persons should be offered vaccination, even if they have been previously infected with SARS-CoV-2.”
Head of notorious Wuhan lab warns more COVID-19 mutations are coming
Virologist Shi Zhengli told the South China Morning Post that the world will need to prepare to coexist with the virus as it continues to mutate and spread across the globe.

“As the number of infected cases has just become too big, this allowed the novel coronavirus more opportunities to mutate and select,” Shi said, according to the South China Morning Post. “New variants will continue to emerge.”

In the U.S., for instance, the delta variant accounts for 75 to 80 percent of cases in the Midwest and upper mountain states as of July, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and reporting from Healthline.

In July, the CDC warned in an internal document that the delta variant could cause more severe illness and spread as easily as chickenpox, stating: “the war has changed.”

Michael Osterholmm, the director for the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, told Newsweek that “a delta on steroids” could also possibly emerge.

Shi has previously called similar rumors “baseless.”
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