Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Wow! Good luck with tile matching. The first time I tried to match the tile I missed, by a lot. The original was bone and I put off-white next to it and they're not remotely close to the same color. The last time I tiled up I got lucky and found one old tile that hadn't broken with a serial number on it. We took it to Lowes and they couldn't find the number, so we called around to tile stores until we found someone who could search more than one or two databases and they found the original maker of the tiles. We got in touch with them and they had 1 full box of tiles and 1 partial box of border pieces in the warehouse and those boxes were the end of that color for good. So I just got what they had left. I've got enough tiles to redo the master bathroom once this is done.

We have no real plans to sell but we're not planning to stay either so I guess technically I'm fixing this stuff for eventual resale, but that won't be for several years. Mostly I want to get my pre-adolscent back in her own bathroom and out of our way in the mornings.

This is about as far as I can go with the original tiles, and the ones I ordered are still on a dock in Texas...Ugh! They were supposed to be here by tomorrow. I know they won't match perfect, and that's why I am trying to keep them low and out of sight. I was originally going to blend whites in, but decided on attempting to match it.

But yeah, easy, peasey!! The prep was the hard part, repairing the wall.


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View attachment 4972109

This is about as far as I can go with the original tiles, and the ones I ordered are still on a dock in Texas...Ugh! They were supposed to be here by tomorrow. I know they won't match perfect, and that's why I am trying to keep them low and out of sight. I was originally going to blend whites in, but decided on attempting to match it.

But yeah, easy, peasey!! The prep was the hard part, repairing the wall.
Nice, but weird, job! I'm good with weird :D


Well-Known Member
View attachment 4972109

This is about as far as I can go with the original tiles, and the ones I ordered are still on a dock in Texas...Ugh! They were supposed to be here by tomorrow. I know they won't match perfect, and that's why I am trying to keep them low and out of sight. I was originally going to blend whites in, but decided on attempting to match it.

But yeah, easy, peasey!! The prep was the hard part, repairing the wall.
i find this gloryhole strangely arousing. I especially like all the tick-marks in tape you made to mark all the strange dicks that have been serviced there…


Well-Known Member
Morning, happy hump day.

No weed for me, got friends coming by to go for a bike ride. I'm thinking about faking an injury so I don't have to go out in that heat.
Slept funny....you have a cramp usually works......just keep your head tilted sideways and tell them you can't straighten it. Although if they feel bad and want to stay with you all day it's going to be tough faking it all day......you might slip up and get caught faking and get laughed at bongsmilie

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
Slept funny....you have a cramp usually works......just keep your head tilted sideways and tell them you can't straighten it. Although if they feel bad and want to stay with you all day it's going to be tough faking it all day......you might slip up and get caught faking and get laughed at bongsmilie
They're northern Ontario people and definitely not used to this heat, I was thinking that I just suggest we go hit up a patio instead. I'd definitely get called out if I made something up.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
They're northern Ontario people and definitely not used to this heat, I was thinking that I just suggest we go hit up a patio instead. I'd definitely get called out if I made something up.
Tell them the truth, laugh and suggest someplace cool, and remember, often alcohol and weed are appreciated. That takes a lot of the sting out. Oh and start using the excuse you're too old for XXXX in YYYY conditions, seems to work for me.