The White privilege to terrorize

Thats TRUE

and something that is EQUALLY TRUE - if someone picked a cop at random to be subjected to it - you all would celebrate it

Because you dont care about TRUTH, JUSTICE, FACTS, STATS, MORALITY

you just care about whatever the TV says you need to care about
still waiting on an answer for my question about the ocotonauts from last night
serious question - are you like a 10 year old kid or something? There is NO WAY you are a functioning adult living on your own
i asked a serioe squestion about YOUR NMOTHER's ANALysis regarding the situation. let's hear it. or are you censoring the truth like YOUtube does? SUCK my balls.
said the person that celebrates the murder of BABBITT because she might be one of those "whites" that make you ashamed to talk about your political views?
terrorists come on many colors....she was white......key word here 'was'. we award medals here in america for killing terrorists....
So let me ask you anti-whites aka "anti-racists"

Since we ALL know you would never stand up for your views
HYPOTHETICALLY - lets ASSUME you had NO CHOICE but to defend your pathetic worldview in a debate with me and that you couldnt run away like scared kids

What ODDS do you think VEGAS would give you that YOU would be the one walking out of the debate with the MORAL & FACTUAL HIGHGROUND?
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So let me ask you anti-whites aka "anti-racists"

Since we ALL know you would never stand up for your views
HYPOTHETICALLY - lets ASSUME you had NO CHOICE but to defend your pathetic worldview in a debate with me and that you couldnt run away like scared kids

What ODDS do you think VEGAS would give you that YOU would be the one walking out of the debate with the MORAL & FACTUAL HIGHGROUND?
I honestly don’t see anyone running away and honestly your moral & factual high ground is losing some elevation. How can you justify the killing of George Floyd as anything but murder? Please explain that and the fact you believe the shooting of Babbitt was murder? I wonder if the story would have been different if a black cop knelt on a white guys neck for 10 minutes until the white guy died?
no we are not pro-murder, as derek chauvin was found guilty of.

Eventually. all gun control hypocrites, you, are "pro murder".

You just prefer to have other people do your murdering for you, possibly because you lack the testicular fortitude.

It's also possible you could be ignorant enough to believe it's not murder when done by people you worship who've told you they are exempt from rules peasants are subject to. Which means you despise actual equal rights too.
So let me ask you anti-whites aka "anti-racists"

Since we ALL know you would never stand up for your views
HYPOTHETICALLY - lets ASSUME you had NO CHOICE but to defend your pathetic worldview in a debate with me and that you couldnt run away like scared kids

What ODDS do you think VEGAS would give you that YOU would be the one walking out of the debate with the MORAL & FACTUAL HIGHGROUND?
Everything with you is a fantasy scenario. Must be a nice world you live in. Where you just make everything up to suit your own ego. :clap::clap:

Did your mom run off with a non white? :hump: