California Gubernatorial Recall Election


Well-Known Member
Naw bitch I just expect you to for once in your life to do something for yourself instead of having others do it for you. I know it sounds tough but you can do it
lulz You double punched the reply button. triggered were you?

Entitled white bitches lose their shit when people refuse to accept their lies. Pro tip, you wilting violet. All I'm doing is saying to your face what others have let slide. Entitled white bitches have lost the abillity to engage in critical thinking. You just say and do whatever Trump tells you. He's a con man. Grab your wallet.


Well-Known Member
Yes the tunnels suck and people are more narcissistic but even today I wouldn’t try to recall Brown or even Biden. Newsom though is such an arrogant asshole and has done a ton of sneaky shit like lying about fire protections and making deals with PG&E. It’s not just because he on the left.
Pete Wilson



Well-Known Member
That’s your opinion and you are entitled to it. The truth is I could write out all the shit he’s pulled and you can pull out all the shit you like about him and neither of us (or anyone else for that matter) is going to change their minds on the subject. The truth is Newsom didn’t make CA the 5th or 7th largest economy the people did long before he was ruining SF as mayor. I just grew in the 80’s when the state and the country was a better place than it is now. I come on this site to talk about weed not politics do that’s what I’m gonna do. Good day

So you "grew up in the 80's" ...

and now you're here proving that you never learned to pay attention! We get it, you're an imbecile, so go back to Newbie Resources.



Well-Known Member
So you "grew up in the 80's" ...

and now you're here proving that you never learned to pay attention! We get it, you're an imbecile, so go back to Newbie Resources.
Insult me all you like but honestly do you like the way that the state is turning out? Do you like paying $5 per gal of gas or 4 times more for registration fees than surrounding states? Do you like having your income stolen and taxes but seeing little in return? We have 40 million people here. If even half were pulling their weight this state should have the best to offer everyone. The problem is there is no incentive for people to do more than exist here( hence the homeless issue.) I’m just open minded enough to try something different than electing the same failed leaders over and over. I vote for person not because of the letter in front of the candidates name.


Well-Known Member
When people compare sides of who is more American Left or Right I always ask “ Which side burns our flag? Which side has spat on our returning soldiers? Which side respects ALL of our constitution? Which side puts foreign invaders that illegally enter before their own countrymen without thinking about anything but future votes? Which side supports communism?”
lol at the communism troll. What does that even mean to you? Also the 'foreign invaders' bullshit is just more right wing talking point programming.

As for the rest you can find insanity anywhere. And it is shown that mostly the crazies on the left are being radicalized by the same douche bags that are spamming the right wing propaganda to drive wedges in-between our citizens with the very nonsense you are typing in these posts.

Do you think that most small businesses have a surplus of money they can spend when the food in their restaurant goes bad because some shitbag is forcing them to close? What’s crazy is he closed schools but his kids were still allowed to attend private school. Some places had to close others didn’t and sometimes right across the street. People are so stupid to think that “ He was keeping us safe” when all he was doing is controlling you.
This basic argument is the same as any business that was killing people with their product.

There is a very real pandemic, and having hordes of people in a confined space coughing and hacking on each other is the very definition of providing a dangerous product.

I don’t think you should force adults one way or another to do what they don’t want. I wear a mask and I’m very careful. A lot of people aren’t. But I don’t need the government to hold my hand and regulate me
Good that you are staying safe. For real no bullshit, that is how we should all be towards one another.

As for 'government regulating' I would point to shit like leaded gas, wearing cloths in public, dumping chemicals into ponds/lakes/rivers, speed limits with assholes who think they are awesome and should be able to zip around everyone in very dangerous manner, on and on.

You are trying to make up some garbage to say that we should open our borders because people “ CLAIM” to fear for their lives. No I’m saying businesses have a hard enough time and there was no
What does 'open borders' mean to you? Should I have to get government permission to be able to go to a high school hockey game across the border in Canada if a local team makes the playoffs?

Really this is more right wing propaganda too man.

I am not trying to troll you since I have no idea if you are a real person or not, but I am assuming that you are and hope that you realize how the last few decades this kind of spam has created a false reality about all of these issues so that having a conversation becomes impossible because people are essentially programmed to call the color red 'Blue' and the color Blue 'communism'.

God there are still 2 pages left. Hopefully it doesn't get worse. You seem to be new here, and if you are a real person you should maybe try to not get overstimulated and feel the need to fall back on the programming and be a real person for a bit.

Nice to meet you.


Well-Known Member
Insult me all you like but honestly do you like the way that the state is turning out? Do you like paying $5 per gal of gas or 4 times more for registration fees than surrounding states? Do you like having your income stolen and taxes but seeing little in return? We have 40 million people here. If even half were pulling their weight this state should have the best to offer everyone. The problem is there is no incentive for people to do more than exist here( hence the homeless issue.) I’m just open minded enough to try something different than electing the same failed leaders over and over. I vote for person not because of the letter in front of the candidates name.
All of those things you mention are not the result of anything that Newsom has done, Einstein! :roll:

Let me ask you this. Do you smell smoke?

So you should vote for a climate change denier!



Well-Known Member
Insult me all you like but honestly do you like the way that the state is turning out? Do you like paying $5 per gal of gas or 4 times more for registration fees than surrounding states? Do you like having your income stolen and taxes but seeing little in return? We have 40 million people here. If even half were pulling their weight this state should have the best to offer everyone. The problem is there is no incentive for people to do more than exist here( hence the homeless issue.) I’m just open minded enough to try something different than electing the same failed leaders over and over. I vote for person not because of the letter in front of the candidates name.
Who in this nation is espousing or promoting the nationalization of the means of production?


Well-Known Member
All of those things you mention are not the result of anything that Newsom has done, Einstein! :roll:

Let me ask you this. Do you smell smoke?

So you should vote for a climate change denier!


Newsom has done a lot yo make things worse. Why doesn’t he invest in more planes and technology to put the fires out instead of letting them burn for weeks? All he does is visit fire ravaged areas and spout off about climate change but does nothing else. In fact he was caught lying about the progress he has made in fire prevention. What about finding a way to desalinate the ocean water or keep water reservoirs? Things that actually matter. He spend billions on social programs which will more than likely be funneled into his buddies pockets and not to the intended purposes. He hasn’t done anything I can say actually has improved quality of life in CA. We need a nonpolitician for a change that isn’t getting handouts and getting rich from special interests. I’m just saying we need change


Well-Known Member
You are trying to make up some garbage to say that we should open our borders because people “ CLAIM” to fear for their lives. No I’m saying businesses have a hard enough time and there was no

Then why are our taxes so high? Where is that money going? Handouts Social programs
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Well-Known Member
I double tapped it for each middle finger . Nobody mentioned race here but you. Either you are an ignorant, racist,pos,loser or just a self loathing, identity crisis, and a loser. Either way you came in like a boy instead of acting like a man. Weak
you ooze white bitchiness.

It might sound as if I'm being personal in my rhetoric but I am not. It was you who showed up with every third word a lie. It was you who says other people should do the research. It was you who slagged Californians for not working and it was me who showed you were lying. Your response was more a deflection away from facts and a move on to another lie.

You spew bullshit lies and expect others to pick up after your entitled white ass. I might add entitled white male ass because your kind are most bitchy of all. If only science could invent a tampon for the US white male reactionary right wing brain.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Insult me all you like but honestly do you like the way that the state is turning out? Do you like paying $5 per gal of gas or 4 times more for registration fees than surrounding states? Do you like having your income stolen and taxes but seeing little in return? We have 40 million people here. If even half were pulling their weight this state should have the best to offer everyone. The problem is there is no incentive for people to do more than exist here( hence the homeless issue.) I’m just open minded enough to try something different than electing the same failed leaders over and over. I vote for person not because of the letter in front of the candidates name.
Trumps tax cut for the wealthy jacked up taxes in several blue states and it was meant too
Blame the real culprits the GQP


Well-Known Member
I’m tired of politicians and want leadership. I’m willing to try something new because I’m very disappointed with the way the state is headed. I want somebody that represents us all and does what they should not because they are getting recalled but because it’s in our best interest. We don’t have that now


Well-Known Member
Newsom has done a lot yo make things worse. Why doesn’t he invest in more planes and technology to put the fires out instead of letting them burn for weeks? All he does is visit fire ravaged areas and spout off about climate change but does nothing else. In fact he was caught lying about the progress he has made in fire prevention. What about finding a way to desalinate the ocean water or keep water reservoirs? Things that actually matter. He spend billions on social programs which will more than likely be funneled into his buddies pockets and not to the intended purposes. He hasn’t done anything I can say actually has improved quality of life in CA. We need a nonpolitician for a change that isn’t getting handouts and getting rich from special interests. I’m just saying we need change
Tell me where the communists are.


Well-Known Member
Trumps tax cut for the wealthy jacked up taxes in several blue states and it was meant too
Blame the real culprits the GQP

So some rich guys end up paying 30 times as much as the average guy instead of 300 times as much I don’t care. The point is they are paying more and a lot of people not paying anything but using up a lot of what others pay. Rich still pay way more than the average person.


Well-Known Member
Jeezus fucking christ, what an absolute shitshow as usual. California is so "cutting edge" yet the only people who rally to run this state are wackjob radio hosts, porn stars and just the general blight of human existence. Every couple o years. Every time.

This is an amazing place to be if you look at it from the right angle; this shit happening in TX will never happen here. This state is pretty up on "inclusiveness" and I can respect that, i guess.


Well-Known Member
Note the turn to ad hominem attacks. @BodegaBud just defaulted to the same kind of madness in right wingers that we saw on Jan 6.

Another problem with right wingers is their low tolerance for disagreement. They spout off some BS fed to them by Trump, his toadies or right wing media and get all angry when their assertions are either challenged or shown to be wrong. Not surprised. He is a tool of the status quo. They don't want change, so who needs new ideas? Of course, nothing can evolve or change with those people in charge.

So, he goes to the lowest level of human discourse, diminishing people who disagree with them. Attacking the person instead of replying to what they said.


Well-Known Member
I’m tired of politicians and want leadership. I’m willing to try something new because I’m very disappointed with the way the state is headed. I want somebody that represents us all and does what they should not because they are getting recalled but because it’s in our best interest. We don’t have that now
It's unrealistic to expect, that, in a pool of shitty people, only the best ones will become politicians. I know it hurts to acknowledge, but the whole, "we are amazing and somehow only the shitty ones become politicians and somehow they keep fooling us into choosing them" is just a straight up emotional defense mechanism to avoid dealing with the reality that we're not nearly as awesome as we think we are.