Really make sure you nail down the environment before you start buying big ticket items. Are you using LEDs or HIDs? Will this grow be inside a house or an outbuilding? Whether or not to use co2 is very important, either you are venting the room or creating a sealed grow environment, in which case, you'll have to decide between co2 tanks or a propane burner. Do you have access to co2 locally? It's easy to find at welding supply places in most mid to large size cities, but in rural America, it can be harder to find, but propane is everywhere. Others here can help you with the specifics, I just want to give you a few things to think about. You'll also need an adequate dehumidifier. There are some guys here doing similar grows, I'm sure they'll chime in with more specifics on BTUs cooling, brands, controllers, etc. There is a lot involved in setting up a sealed grow room, but the results can be spectacular once you get it all dialed in. Good luck and show us pics as it develops!