Tents are getting old. It was an agreement with the wife who didn't want me taking over the basement. There were times when we were young that we used one room and the rest of the house was all grow. But it's got pretty silly now with all the tents, impossible to control their individual environments, always making sacrifices to get a happy/unhappy medium. Luckily I have convinced her that if she allows me to ditch the tents and just make a room I can save so much time by automating it at this point, and she still keeps her exercise space and dance area. But I am also wrapping up a bunch of work related business so I can retire within 12 months (which I said 12 months ago) so I think it will be tent city for at least 6 more months. But you nailed it, 1 or 2 tents are awesome, 6 or 7 is just stupid. But the things we do to keep our spouses happy.Back to your tent city in your rented basement kiddo