Donald Trump Private Citizen

I was unemployable thanks to Obama-nomics.
lol, do you mean the crash that occurred in Bush Jr's term? The one that the same dick heads that are currently spamming the idiot insurrectionist Republicans right now with trolling propangda to paint the crashed economy from Trump's term onto Biden, just like they did back then with their 'Tea Party' astroturf movement to convince people it was Obama?

Because if not I would be really curious what it was exactly that Obama did to take your job.
lol, do you mean the crash that occurred in Bush Jr's term? The one that the same dick heads that are currently spamming the idiot insurrectionist Republicans right now with trolling propangda to paint the crashed economy from Trump's term onto Biden, just like they did back then with their 'Tea Party' astroturf movement to convince people it was Obama?

Because if not I would be really curious what it was exactly that Obama did to take your job.

he didn't take his job- he just rendered him useless.
lol, do you mean the crash that occurred in Bush Jr's term? The one that the same dick heads that are currently spamming the idiot insurrectionist Republicans right now with trolling propangda to paint the crashed economy from Trump's term onto Biden, just like they did back then with their 'Tea Party' astroturf movement to convince people it was Obama?

Because if not I would be really curious what it was exactly that Obama did to take your job.
It was 2011. I was over qualified for what was available in my area. No one wanted PLC electricians when they could get run of the mill maintenance.
Obama’s fault.
Well he was in charge. The jobs certainly dried up. And it was even a Canadian company I was working for but in Indiana. They tried to stiff me on unemployment and dragged their feet for 10 weeks. They would not provide proof of my wages when asked to. I finally sent the Indiana Dept of Unemployment an old check stub I had and that is how I got approved. Got a ~$5k check all at once. Ice River Springs. They are a rotten company.
Well he was in charge. The jobs certainly dried up. And it was even a Canadian company I was working for but in Indiana. They tried to stiff me on unemployment and dragged their feet for 10 weeks. They would not provide proof of my wages when asked to. I finally sent the Indiana Dept of Unemployment an old check stub I had and that is how I got approved. Got a ~$5k check all at once. Ice River Springs. They are a rotten company.
Canada’s fault
Im just always fascinated by people who used our social safety net when times were tough for them, but get brainwashed into thinking that it shouldn't be available to others when they are in need.

that's why i find 'i got mine' mindset- illogical. if someone can't afford a basic human right they are not deserving of it. that thinking creeps me out. it goes back to walking a mile in another's shoes..people should try it, they might learn something.
It was 2011. I was over qualified for what was available in my area. No one wanted PLC electricians when they could get run of the mill maintenance.

That was about the time Oil crashed and the Industry took a turn for the worse. Sorry about your situation but throwing stones because "Obama politics" is bit lame if that's what you're considering as the main culprit. I was caught up in it as well as an Info tech. Look to the folks running OPEC to start.
It was 2011. I was over qualified for what was available in my area. No one wanted PLC electricians when they could get run of the mill maintenance.
Im trying to think back to 2011, wasn't there a commercial buildings crunch going on at that point? All those bad loans from the 2008 crash hit the housing market, and then the commercial ones. Still all impacts from the Bush and Republicans allowing the economy to crash as they undid too many protections keeping financial markets from acting like idiots.

But regardless, I am happy for you that our social safety net was there for you when you needed it, and I am sure that you have more than paid back what you received, much like everyone else does that use it.

Well he was in charge. The jobs certainly dried up. And it was even a Canadian company I was working for but in Indiana. They tried to stiff me on unemployment and dragged their feet for 10 weeks. They would not provide proof of my wages when asked to. I finally sent the Indiana Dept of Unemployment an old check stub I had and that is how I got approved. Got a ~$5k check all at once. Ice River Springs. They are a rotten company.
So what you are saying is that Canada screwed you over and Obama actually hooked you up?

Ditch diggers around here are making +$30 an hour thanks to our state's prevailing wage laws.

The body breaking work of hard labor should be a livable wage IMO. Have you met many old timers who did this kind of work all their lives?

It just makes sense.
Im trying to think back to 2011, wasn't there a commercial buildings crunch going on at that point? All those bad loans from the 2008 crash hit the housing market, and then the commercial ones. Still all impacts from the Bush and Republicans allowing the economy to crash as they undid too many protections keeping financial markets from acting like idiots.

But regardless, I am happy for you that our social safety net was there for you when you needed it, and I am sure that you have more than paid back what you received, much like everyone else does that use it.

So what you are saying is that Canada screwed you over and Obama actually hooked you up?
i taught myself 3 different PLC software interfaces. it wasn't exactly rocket science. and this was back in the late 90's. i'm sure the mfgs made it even easier for techs to use/program it