This technique is not for amateurs!
How can you tell if you have a male or female while in veg?
You first need to have at least two plants of the same strain. Both plants need to be about 2 feet tall for the scent to be strong enough. Some strains work even earlier.
The Steps;
1. place your finger around the main stem of the plant
2. rub it up and down to get the scent on your hand
3. smell it!
what's the difference? a male plant will have a more aggressive smell, while a female has a much gentler, prettier smell if you will. You need the two plants in order to have something to compare against. Once your familiar with the strains smell. you can judge a male or female before it even shows any noticable signs of sex.
Allow me to be more clear about this post, first I should have titled it "judging sex by smell"
I did not start this post to argue with damn kids, it is to inform all the intelligent growers out there that are interested. It does work and the proof is in ALL plants not just weed.
I don't care what opinion you kids have...