What is the right age to teach your kids why you really hate Nazis?

First by their parents, lately by the kids too. Too much innocence might be a mistake.

I think we just leave real early so we can see the mummies on Sunday.

might be...but there is something at the native american museaum, and it's a holocaust of our own country that we don't talk about, kinda been pushed under the rug so to speak....

mummies are cool
Hello from Germany (we hate Nazis, too),

I've just asked my mother (retired primary school teacher, primary school is for ages 6-10 here); she does not recall teaching her school kids about the Holocaust, definitely not before 4th grade (age 9-10) and definitely not in detail.

She mentioned my brother was shown "Schindler's List" in 6th grade and she found that quite egregious.

You have to know that we are taught A LOT about the Holocaust in schools in Germany. It's almost too much, because you become a little jaded.

In my opinion your kid is way too young to be confronted with such horrors. Same about 9/11, probably too early.

I very much appreciate you being that thoughtful about teaching your kids politically and historically.

The best you can do for your kids is make them think critically, question the authorities, question themselves, be free thinkers.
Appreciate your input. Given my girl's situation, it is very hard for me to imagine waiting that long. We live in a particularly closed-minded region and I feel that her innocence might be a real detriment when she has already been called of-the-devil.
Hello from Germany (we hate Nazis, too),

I've just asked my mother (retired primary school teacher, primary school is for ages 6-10 here); she does not recall teaching her school kids about the Holocaust, definitely not before 4th grade (age 9-10) and definitely not in detail.

She mentioned my brother was shown "Schindler's List" in 6th grade and she found that quite egregious.

You have to know that we are taught A LOT about the Holocaust in schools in Germany. It's almost too much, because you become a little jaded.

In my opinion your kid is way too young to be confronted with such horrors. Same about 9/11, probably too early.

I very much appreciate you being that thoughtful about teaching your kids politically and historically.

The best you can do for your kids is make them think critically, question the authorities, question themselves, be free thinkers.
America isn't populated by polite people. many of them will tell you they are "nice" or "good" ...but they're full of shit. most people in America will stab you in the back, talk shit about you when you aren't there to defend yourself, and talk shit about a mutual acquaintance if you are there...
how early is too early? i think it depends on the child in question, and that the earlier you can educate a child without traumatizing them, the better. up to the parents to make the actual decision, but if anyone's child should be able to handle it, i would expect it to be Unclebaldrick's kid. i just can't see him coddling anyone, about anything...
I'm of the opinion that you should let kids be kids as long as possible. As @mooray said, six is too young for them to grasp the full picture, and they may just come away traumatized. Personally I wouldn't take my kids to the Holocaust Museum younger than 10, and I think it would be too much for my 11-year old to handle to be honest. We have talked to our kids about the Holocaust and other genocides/near-genocides, but I'd fear the Holocaust Museum would be too graphic for kids. We also don't let our kids play/watch violent type video games and movies either.
I agree, when someone else does something shitty, that means it's okay for you to do it and it's somehow definitely not shitty!
I cannot agree with your point. Teaching your children the history of hatred is not the same as teaching them to hate. Hating Nazis is not a bad thing. Not all hate is equal. Maybe I wish I were more like Jesus in loving evil people, but I have a child to protect. I'll get all zen about it when she is strong enough mentally and physically to defend herself.

Yeah, I fucking hate them, but the real point is to make her understand hatred as she is already encountering it.
Helping your 6yo hate is unquestionably a bad thing, even if that hatred is justified as an adult. Maybe if the world was like The Book of Eli, where making sure your kids survive is more important than caring whether or not they turn into shitty people, but as long as the lights are on, we're not there yet.
To each their own, but these are the places I would take my kid while in DC..

Seems like a full week already.
Helping your 6yo hate is unquestionably a bad thing, even if that hatred is justified as an adult. Maybe if the world was like The Book of Eli, where making sure your kids survive is more important than caring whether or not they turn into shitty people, but as long as the lights are on, we're not there yet.
I'm not trying to teach her to hate. I am trying to get her to understand that the hatred she encounters is the aberrant thing - not her.