Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

.The Outdoorsman.

Well-Known Member
I did not for my children. It would have been a glass of ice water in the face and removed from the situation. One time and never another tantrum.

However this is my grandchild and as such not my issue. I'm going to sit there and drink my wine like a BOSS while she tears it up and everyone looks at my kids with disapproval and see how they act.

Not my circus, not my monkeys to quote @raratt I can spectate and enjoy and remember all the times they made my life a living hell, in public. Pay back is sweet and I'm going to savor every second.
Awesome. I remember my mom getting too full of us and she would yell at my dad to come and help. He would start to take off his belt and by the time he could fold it half and spank it together. We were high tailing it to our bunk beds. Only bare ass spanked once or twice. All it took. Dad tried spanking me over my blue jeans, think i laughed at him.

.The Outdoorsman.

Well-Known Member
Awesome. I remember my mom getting too full of us and she would yell at my dad to come and help. He would start to take off his belt and by the time he could fold it half and spank it together. We were high tailing it to our bunk beds. Only bare ass spanked once or twice. All it took. Dad tried spanking me over my blue jeans, think i laughed at him.
For the record i was never beaten with a belt. That was the threat. Bare butt spanked. Pops is a good man, he would have me sweep his shop if i fucked up.


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Staff member
Awesome. I remember my mom getting too full of us and she would yell at my dad to come and help. He would start to take off his belt and by the time he could fold it half and spank it together. We were high tailing it to our bunk beds. Only bare ass spanked once or twice. All it took. Dad tried spanking me over my blue jeans, think i laughed at him.
My parents did something similar. If my mom wasn't getting traction with me she'd whip off a house shoe and throw it at me. Her aim was terrible. But at that point if my dad was around and I didn't comply he'd take off his belt and snap it and usually aim the swat so it just missed me.

Unfortunately for him one time I wanted to see the end of some stupid show and had snuck out from the bathtub buck naked, peeking around the corner and my mother saw me, pitched the shoe and my dad stood up, whipped off his belt while I was still bargaining and strode toward me. I turned and went to run back to the bathtub and he let fly with the belt which usually missed me. Unfortunately the buckle end slipped from his grasp and nailed me. I had a big, ugly bruise on my ass.

Today you'd go to jail, back then I was so embarrassed my behavior caused that and my dad was beside himself with guilt LOL Ahh childhood.


Well-Known Member
My parents did something similar. If my mom wasn't getting traction with me she'd whip off a house shoe and throw it at me. Her aim was terrible. But at that point if my dad was around and I didn't comply he'd take off his belt and snap it and usually aim the swat so it just missed me.

Unfortunately for him one time I wanted to see the end of some stupid show and had snuck out from the bathtub buck naked, peeking around the corner and my mother saw me, pitched the shoe and my dad stood up, whipped off his belt while I was still bargaining and strode toward me. I turned and went to run back to the bathtub and he let fly with the belt which usually missed me. Unfortunately the buckle end slipped from his grasp and nailed me. I had a big, ugly bruise on my ass.

Today you'd go to jail, back then I was so embarrassed my behavior caused that and my dad was beside himself with guilt LOL Ahh childhood.
I got a ketchup bottle to the forehead from across the room. Don't piss off mom.....and never bet on throwing knives......she got good aim :lol:


Well-Known Member
My parents did something similar. If my mom wasn't getting traction with me she'd whip off a house shoe and throw it at me. Her aim was terrible. But at that point if my dad was around and I didn't comply he'd take off his belt and snap it and usually aim the swat so it just missed me.

Unfortunately for him one time I wanted to see the end of some stupid show and had snuck out from the bathtub buck naked, peeking around the corner and my mother saw me, pitched the shoe and my dad stood up, whipped off his belt while I was still bargaining and strode toward me. I turned and went to run back to the bathtub and he let fly with the belt which usually missed me. Unfortunately the buckle end slipped from his grasp and nailed me. I had a big, ugly bruise on my ass.

Today you'd go to jail, back then I was so embarrassed my behavior caused that and my dad was beside himself with guilt LOL Ahh childhood.
Mom handled most matters.
There was no miss to my dad's discipline.