Police Interactions.

Dude are you for real? It's like talking to a flat Earther. If you are really interested in the topic just google WHO BEAT HITLER and read some, or.....go to a library and take out some books on the Eastern Front.

"To no one man does the United Nations owe a greater debt than to Marshal Zhukov . . . one day . . . there is certain to be another Order of the Soviet Union. It will be the Order of Zhukov, and that order will be prized by every man who admires courage, vision, fortitude, and determination in a soldier."

Of course that was said before the Cold War broke out and America did their Disney touch on the history books for kids like you.
Dude are you for real? It's like talking to a flat Earther. If you are really interested in the topic just google WHO BEAT HITLER and read some, or.....go to a library and take out some books on the Eastern Front.
As I told you, I did.

Your ideations are at variance.

Rather than your arguing the fact, behold this incontinence of rage. Not a good look.
And you have brought no facts other than your nonsense about Russia being on the verge of losing if not for the allies. Where are your links, your books? I very much you could find anything to back that up to be honest, other than a Hollywood movie which is where I am sure you learned your history, I don't want to blame public education too much. I'm assuming they taught you about Zhukov? Or did you only learn about Patton?
And, no, you didn't read any books that told you what you claim, maybe you didn't understand the books is my guess, because again, it's common knowledge and well documented.
And you have brought no facts other than your nonsense about Russia being on the verge of losing if not for the allies. Where are your links, your books? I very much you could find anything to back that up to be honest, other than a Hollywood movie which is where I am sure you learned your history, I don't want to blame public education too much. I'm assuming they taught you about Zhukov? Or did you only learn about Patton?
Excellent bluster. Your continuing reluctance bespeaks your having nothing to back your version.
Are you one of the few surviving soldiers? So I was right then, your lane is pee smelling old fart.

But I'm not offended. My offer allowing you to thank me is still open.

You see, when one side is said to have lost, then the other side is said to have won. I get that you simply can't say anything nice about the US, but you have to admit that the US did take a side and was not on the losing side of that war.

But I'm not offended. My offer allowing you to thank me is still open.

You see, when one side is said to have lost, then the other side is said to have won. I get that you simply can't say anything nice about the US, but you have to admit that the US did take a side and was not on the losing side of that war.

Well as you know, there are no winners in war. As far as Japan is concerned, if you have to "lose" to somebody, better the Americans then the Russians. I have plenty of nice things to say about America, and I dare say, with a lot more understanding that your typical "red blooded American." America saved the world from the Nazis just isn't one of them. This is a thread about police interaction, I commented on one post with the suggestion to find a better example of America's worth or whatever the point the poster was trying to make. But again, here we are in a country where a large portion is scared shitless of their own police. Let that sink in. Is America "winning?"
Well as you know, there are no winners in war. As far as Japan is concerned, if you have to "lose" to somebody, better the Americans then the Russians. I have plenty of nice things to say about America, and I dare say, with a lot more understanding that your typical "red blooded American." America saved the world from the Nazis just isn't one of them. This is a thread about police interaction, I commented on one post with the suggestion to find a better example of America's worth or whatever the point the poster was trying to make. But again, here we are in a country where a large portion is scared shitless of their own police. Let that sink in. Is America "winning?"
What do you suggest we do about a disconnect with the police?
Well as you know, there are no winners in war. As far as Japan is concerned, if you have to "lose" to somebody, better the Americans then the Russians. I have plenty of nice things to say about America, and I dare say, with a lot more understanding that your typical "red blooded American." America saved the world from the Nazis just isn't one of them. This is a thread about police interaction, I commented on one post with the suggestion to find a better example of America's worth or whatever the point the poster was trying to make. But again, here we are in a country where a large portion is scared shitless of their own police. Let that sink in. Is America "winning?"
No, Japan and Germany lost. The US was not on their side, they were on the side that won. So they won. What part of won do you not understand?
What do you suggest we do about a disconnect with the police?
Many suggestions there. End drug way, end profit prisons, retrain police and recruit more minorities, start to police with people from those areas. More small police stations. Get rid of swat. Stop arming police to go to war. Start making prisons more like prisons. Will be easier because we won't be filling them up with victims of the drug wars, which will also greatly reduce gangs and violent criminals. Those are some starting points. I also like defend the police, but the branding is all wrong.
Many suggestions there. End drug way, end profit prisons, retrain police and recruit more minorities, start to police with people from those areas. More small police stations. Get rid of swat. Stop arming police to go to war. Start making prisons more like prisons. Will be easier because we won't be filling them up with victims of the drug wars, which will also greatly reduce gangs and violent criminals. Those are some starting points. I also like defend the police, but the branding is all wrong.
In this matter we align.
Dude are you for real? It's like talking to a flat Earther. If you are really interested in the topic just google WHO BEAT HITLER and read some, or.....go to a library and take out some books on the Eastern Front.

"To no one man does the United Nations owe a greater debt than to Marshal Zhukov . . . one day . . . there is certain to be another Order of the Soviet Union. It will be the Order of Zhukov, and that order will be prized by every man who admires courage, vision, fortitude, and determination in a soldier."

Of course that was said before the Cold War broke out and America did their Disney touch on the history books for kids like you.
Agree. Amazing the crap we got taught early on in History that was written by English and American historians that are largely inaccurate today.
And America started the cold war..but im sure they are not taught that.