Well-Known Member
While I would never give me pet weed or any animal weed I once had a dog eat a 5 gal butter fail. What happened is I was cleaning out my freezer and took all the larf and sugar leaf that I used to make bubble hash with and threw it into a 5 gal canning pot. I put an entire pound of butter into it but because there was so much plant matter it soaked up the butter and later it wouldn’t separate. Frustrated I walked out into our field and dumped the green mess. Fast forward about a week the old lady tells me our dog is sick and she think he has been poisoned. She explained she saw him out in the field where I dumped the weed “ Eating something.” Now this is a dog kept in a fenced back yard so it wasn’t that I was being careless. The dog got out and just happened to wander out where I dumped it. I ran out to see how much he ate and the entire fucking amount was gone. The old lady mentioned he puked a green mess but the amount no doubt was A LOT! Well to make a long story short the poor dog slept and was barely able to move for 3 days. I felt terrible. Luckily he snapped back like nothing happened and now seems to go crazy when he smells weed like he wants some more.