Free speech in the politics section

how do you know?
Im guessing all his white male professors, and white male bosses, and white male elders told him. And depending on his age, all those white male classmates that happened to have super low tuition rates, which suspiciously increased drastically when black people and women started attending in larger numbers.

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Yes one thing in common about every successful country is, there is NO leader. :roll:

People follow leaders voluntarily, or not. That's the way it should be.

People (citizens of a "country") are assigned a leader / master involuntarily. Not the way it should be.

Assigning another person a leader they neither recognize or want, is an absurd delegation of a nonexistent right.

You seem confused.
People follow leaders voluntarily, or not. That's the way it should be.

People (citizens of a "country") are assigned a leader / master involuntarily. Not the way it should be.

Assigning another person a leader they neither recognize or want, is an absurd delegation of a nonexistent right.

You seem confused.
You have your chance to vote and choose. You choose not to. Stop playing the victim
History will show, he's nowhere near clear.

And as far as an obsession with Hunter, no. But Hunter has been peddling political influence and paying his Dad. Hunter's laptop and Hunter's business partner prove that.
And this is better than the (orange) clan just how?
You have your chance to vote and choose. You choose not to. Stop playing the victim

That's another incoherent meaningless platitude. You're on a roll. Voting is not a thing that protects choice.

Voting to assign a person a master is taking part in victimizing.
You had your chance to not vote and instead chose to viCtimize people.
That's another incoherent meaningless platitude. You're on a roll. Voting is not a thing that protects choice.

Voting to assign a person a master is taking part in victimizing.
You had your chance to not vote and instead chose to viCtimize people.
So you don’t vote but complain about the president? :roll:
Conservative with money isn't the only type of conservative. I'm talking morally conservative and I would assume you know that. All politicians spend too much money period.

You are again wrong. Show me where I disagreed about Trump not being a narcissist money guy. Go re-read than and maybe once you'll admit you're wrong...
Not sure it was about Trump" NOT " being a narcissist it was about Trump " BEING " a narcissist. I believe, and would a real conservative want to Ruin a great place like Bristol Bay and Tongass National Forest for OIL, and Bring back Coal, How in the fuck is that a conservative view ? I really think the one's that where really conservatives forgot what the word means.

If you People keep fucking Fighting with each other instead of trying to get along and figure out what the hell we have in common instead of fuck killing each other with a key board we will keep fighting one another and not get anything done.
We need to figure out what we have in common then we can work at the other it's a Start.
Not sure it was about Trump" NOT " being a narcissist it was about Trump " BEING " a narcissist. I believe, and would a real conservative want to Ruin a great place like Bristol Bay and Tongass National Forest for OIL, and Bring back Coal, How in the fuck is that a conservative view ? I really think the one's that where really conservatives forgot what the word means.

If you People keep fucking Fighting with each other instead of trying to get along and figure out what the hell we have in common instead of fuck killing each other with a key board we will keep fighting one another and not get anything done.
We need to figure out what we have in common then we can work at the other it's a Start.
You can help by providing clear discriminators between a (pluralist) conservative and an authoritarian.