Happy thread :)

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One of our drivers up and quit this weekend, soooo.....

Heading out this morning to Beltsville, MD. Looks like I'll drive around the north side of D.C to get there., I'll be honest, little nervous about that lol.

I'll get to Hagerstown, MD (about 9 1/2 hours) today and shut down and I believe Beltsville will be less than 2 hours away tomorrow morning, I'll start early and hopefully beat traffic.

Happy that I'll drive through Pennsylvania again through the Allegheny mountains on I-76, super beautiful and hopefully I'll see some nice fall color. I will try to get pics for you guys

Running I-76 is going to cost my boss about $300 in tolls, probably the most expensive interstate in the U.S.

Anyways, going up to the yard to get in my truck now
A great time to look for a raise! There are shortages of drivers all over the place, 80,000 jobs opening in the USA alone in the near future, the industry is starting to panic, supply and demand = more per mile, plus expenses.
Well the midwest inlaws left. Were fairly pleasant, but apparently got all their rambles about stupid bullshit in while I wasn't around. Had no idea that the epoch times came in print format or that Sean Spicer had a show.
We went to a party Friday night. Really nice couple who would do anything for you. But the guy was telling us about the news he had been watching on You Tube. He said that the IRS, FBI, etc, etc. were already gone, but their closing had not been made public yet. Also that angels were going to kill all the evil people soon, and the next ten years would be blessed like no other.

It would be funny if it wasn't so scary.
We went to a party Friday night. Really nice couple who would do anything for you. But the guy was telling us about the news he had been watching on You Tube. He said that the IRS, FBI, etc, etc. were already gone, but their closing had not been made public yet. Also that angels were going to kill all the evil people soon, and the next ten years would be blessed like no other.

It would be funny if it wasn't so scary.

That it is.

Ignorance surrounded by positive reinforcement. Viva america.
Man I am still laughing so damn hard at the inlaws being uncomfortable that women were working out in workout clothes at the place people go to exercise outside. Just lol.
Ok made it, great day for a cruise it's 74° and sunny out here, was shitty and raining when I left Michigan this morning.

There's a Wendy's at this Love's, I'm having a Dave's double combo with ice tea for supper right now

Got here got a spot, dropped my trailer to bobtail over to fuel island and can hear air pissing out from somewhere whenever I hit the brakes......DAMNIT, probably just a leaking brake chamber. They have mechanics here and I've checked in and I'm next in line to get my truck looked at/fixed. This place is busy AF at 230pm already there was only a couple 2-3 spots open and I GOT ONE lol


More pics in a minute, I'm trying to eat real quick...
WTH lol, just talked to dispatch and they want me back in Port Huron, MI by Wednesday morning at 7am....

......I'm not sure that's going to happen

I'll try though, I like a challenge lol

Here's where I'm at (the red arrow), it's cooling right down and looks like some rain is going to move in soon. Probably just wait to wash my widows now lol
I heard Ben shapiro speak for the first time this morning. It was as funny as the first time i heard Jared kushner. The master race sounds like their balls are in the process of dropping.

"Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake." Carlo Cipolla In the 1970s, an economic historian called Carlo Cipolla wrote a provocative article titled "The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity". This week's episode is about his theory of the destructiveness of stupid behavior and why it is so underestimated and misunderstood. Show Notes: The Basic Laws Of Human Stupidity by Carlo M. Cipolla The Five Universal Laws Of Stupidity by Corrine Purtill
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