Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?


Well-Known Member
He was a scared little bitch that got in over his head.
I'd argue he had more spine than most of the grown men in Kenosha who allowed their city to be burned down by extremists. He had more of a right to be there than the rioters who were committing crimes. I suspect some people are upset their misguided idea of being able to chase down and attack people after starting a riot has just been shattered by reality.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I'd argue he had more spine than most of the grown men in Kenosha who allowed their city to be burned down by extremists. He had more of a right to be there than the rioters who were committing crimes. I suspect some people are upset their misguided idea of being able to chase down and attack people after starting a riot has just been shattered by reality.
I think you should try your luck


Well-Known Member
I was standing there and saw Kyle armed and frothing at the mouth as he ran toward me and people screaming he killed someone … well I’m in fear for my life bang bang
Self defense
That isn't how the laws are written. If you have a problem with it and would like to change them, start with local legislatures. Maybe you can nullify the second amendment if you try hard enough. Until then, don't think you have a ticket to attack people because you don't agree with their politics.


Well-Known Member
Well, let's hope that rednecks get the world they're seeking. Just head on down to Kenosha and start shootin'. If kyle can do it, you can too!

Paul Drake

Well-Known Member
I'd argue he had more spine than most of the grown men in Kenosha who allowed their city to be burned down by extremists. He had more of a right to be there than the rioters who were committing crimes. I suspect some people are upset their misguided idea of being able to chase down and attack people after starting a riot has just been shattered by reality.
At 17 yo he was scared and trying to gtfo after he finally realized what was going on.
We all know that 17-year-olds don’t know what the hell they’re doing.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Your suggestion is people are going to target a white man for defending himself against other white people? You are not a rational person. In six months, Mr. Rittenhouse will be balls deep in litigation against those who besmirched his character and wrongfully labeled him a white supremacist. Pucker up MSNBC.
Not what I said but if it does happen hopefully Ted Nugent and a couple Congressmen men who are also fascist go down too


Well-Known Member
Not mention as he was flinging bullets with no knowledge or concern for bystanders
We are going to see a lot of people die from this ruling
He was incredibly accurate. Very good trigger discipline under that type of pressure. This is going to be the prototypical incident shown to people in self-defense training in regards to what to do when an angry mob has you in their sights. The only people he hit were those wishing to do him harm.

Paul Drake

Well-Known Member
He was incredibly accurate. Very good trigger discipline under that type of pressure. This is going to be the prototypical incident shown to people in self-defense training in regards to what to do when an angry mob has you in their sights. The only people he hit were those wishing to do him harm.
Yeah great aim, good boi.


Well-Known Member
Your suggestion is people are going to target a white man for defending himself against other white people? You are not a rational person. In six months, Mr. Rittenhouse will be balls deep in litigation against those who besmirched his character and wrongfully labeled him a white supremacist. Pucker up MSNBC.
Kyle and his dim witted mommy will be facing civil suits, I imagine. The Rittenhouses may lose their double wide.