Does this 5 week old photo look like an auto starting to flower?


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
I don't think there is anything wrong with waiting for those plants to get a bit bigger than they are. But remember they'll get a lot bigger when you flip to flower, too.


Well-Known Member
I don't know there looking small at week 5. I'd say at least another 3 weeks
Different strokes my's your choice.
I wasn't telling you what to do.........just telling you what I do.
This is what my plants looked like when I flipped to flower.
23 days.JPG
Your plants look great.......good luck.


Well-Known Member
Those are very small for 5 weeks old. You must be growing in soil yeah?
Yea soil. Theyve been lst . Which is why they look smaller . But I want to grow them up to the scrog while pretraining the whole way then flip and fill out a scrog


Well-Known Member
I like to take mine to 8+ weeks, 12 is not uncommon. They always seem to give more the longer they have vegged.


Well-Known Member
Just seems like common sense
That is what I think too. You just have to look at how much more developed a plant is at 12 weeks than it is at 8 weeks. I appreciate there are some differences in veg time from medium to medium. I grow in soil and I accept that coco or hydro are faster ways of doing things.


Well-Known Member
That is what I think too. You just have to look at how much more developed a plant is at 12 weeks than it is at 8 weeks. I appreciate there are some differences in veg time from medium to medium. I grow in soil and I accept that coco or hydro are faster ways of doing things.
I'm just curious.
On average, how much do you yield from a plant that vegged for 12 weeks?