Iran Update...


New Member
Okay, the latest report is just in and stipulates that Iran now has enough enriched uranium for a nuclear missile. Iran can have an operational weapon by President Obama's Inaugural swear in.

Israel has already said they will attack.

So what's next? What should or can Obama do? :confused:

Your thoughts....?

out. :blsmoke:
Kill em' all. I would definitely go to war If this is the case. There is actual evidence that they have wmd's, and their president has expressed negative feeling toward the US. If Israel attacks, I'm guessing we will most likely get some too.
either way obama does not support the peoples best intrests. checkout this cnn clip , posting that on facebook got me this notice

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If you have questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page , i thought it was pretty strange.
It is highly unlikely they can weaponize it by January 20th. If I understand the situation correctly, they have enough weapons grade material, but it must be reduced in mass to fit onto a warhead. That takes time and equipment which cannot be hidden so easily from inspectors.
Several experts said that was enough for a bomb, but they cautioned that the milestone was mostly symbolic, because Iran would have to take additional steps. Not only would it have to breach its international agreements and kick out the inspectors, but it would also have to further purify the fuel and put it into a warhead design — a technical advance that Western experts are unsure Iran has yet achieved.

"They clearly have enough material for a bomb," said Richard Garwin, a top nuclear physicist who helped invent the hydrogen bomb and has advised Washington for decades. "They know how to do the enrichment. Whether they know how to design a bomb, well, that's another matter."

Which is not to say there is no threat. I don't see Israel sitting by and letting this happen.

This is a very serious development and drops right in B.H.O.'s lap.
It is really funny, though. Before going to Iraq, we never had any hard evidence of wmd's, and now that the US is funding Russia to help Iran and we have concrete evidence of wmd's, we will most likely not do anything until a country is attacked.
Oh Gr8! The lil bastards are going to cause a nuclear war.Its a sign of the times were in,They need to send a small squad of elites in to ass out the leader of Iran in covert fashion and sabotage their nuclear material facility..if only it would happen.
It is really funny, though. Before going to Iraq, we never had any hard evidence of wmd's, and now that the US is funding Russia to help Iran and we have concrete evidence of wmd's, we will most likely not do anything until a country is attacked.
Iraq did have WMDs. We know because they used them against Iran during the Iran/Iraq War, 1980-1988, and their own people (the Kurds) in 1988.

Great Britain, France, Russia, and Israel all agreed, before the war, that Iraq had WMDs.

What we don't know is what happened to the WMDs.
Iraq did have WMDs. We know because they used them against Iran during the Iran/Iraq War, 1980-1988, and their own people (the Kurds) in 1988.

Great Britain, France, Russia, and Israel all agreed, before the war, that Iraq had WMDs.

What we don't know is what happened to the WMDs.

The only wmd's they have is ak-47's.
We forgetting that this is the same propaganda horn that told us Iraq had WMDs ?

Kill em' all. I would definitely go to war If this is the case. There is actual evidence that they have wmd's, and their president has expressed negative feeling toward the US. If Israel attacks, I'm guessing we will most likely get some too.
I'm still thinking they are going to set off an EMP bomb.

Iran now has 1,390 pounds of low enriched uranium. We went from that point to a detonation at Hiroshima in 6 months in 1945. I think they can do it.

out. :blsmoke:
Iraq did have WMDs. We know because they used them against Iran during the Iran/Iraq War, 1980-1988, and their own people (the Kurds) in 1988.
There is a lot of evidence that we provided the raw materials and the know how to make these WMDs and encouraged Iraq to use them on Iran, And "we" wonder why Iran dislikes the US government.
How about in the next few months.... How bout them apples?

out. :blsmoke:
Say Cracker, (Might be an appropriate name) are you some kind of military man, a general or colonel, You seem to have a lot of bloodlust in your posts, I mean, we can't go around bullying the world any more, we can't afford to. I know in our heyday, we did a wonderful job of fucking over everyone and pissing off the world, but times have changed my man and we are fucking broke. May I suggest joining the military in some front line position while we still have a couple of wars going and take out your frustrations on the "enemy", shoot some shit up, blow some shit up, may make you feel Better, just a suggestion, feel free to tell me to go fuck myself,~LOL~.
Whats with all these paranoid conspiracy theories about Iran? You ever take the time to study Iran? Its not full of a shitload of lowlifes and terrorists like you might think. 70% of their population is under 30 because of other wars.

What do you think the banksters that own the United States like most about war? Why do you think they have such a negative opinion of the US, or "The zionist controlled west" ? This may sound crazy to the average uneducated puke, but they're justified in their hatred. For sure.

This is not propaganda. Iran recently had missile tests, let a lone how the Iranian president feels toward the US. There is plenty proof to see that Iran has wmd's.
I have an idea, lets take a backseat on this and let the countries who are actually in imminent dager from this threat handle it. Israel, attack if you wish. Countries of Europe, get your ass in gear and do something, we will no longer do it for you; Middle Eastern nations, we will buy your oil but you people fix your own fucking self created problems...we are done with you.