Happy thread :)

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Well-Known Member
I'm gonna make an announcement that is to me both happy & sad, a perfect balance in away.
1st the sad
I'm stopping growing & putting down the snips. :(
Every state around me is legal now and this state ,Connecticut is going legal next year & the demand for my herb is way down so I'm saying fuck it.
Been growing for over 30 years and had a lot of fun & smoked a shit ton of herb, but the allure just ain't there anymore.
I'm actully fucking bored with it
So here's the good news (I hope)
I retired 3 years ago & grew full time & was doing ok but as mentioned, it just wasn't profitable
So, I need income, or at least it would be nice to have some, so I decided that I'll pick up the tools again.
I was an electrician before, so I sent a resume out last week and have had a lot of interest whiich is very cool.
Today I had my 1st interview at a factory (I'm mostly Industrial/Commercial/no houses) assuming that they were looking for an electrician, but nope, they wanted someone to put together/fabricate/inspect & test these huge grain mills that take the wheat and turn it into flour.
The mill spins at 1800 rpm and any insects in the grain are killed by centrifugal force & then sifted out (in China they keep them in/makes you virile)
Fucking cool machines.
They are assembled in a 60,000 sq ft factory that I will essentially be in charge of and have no experience whatsoever.
I'll be trained for a week or so & then it's off I go.
I find that fucking hysterical :)
It's like Santa's Toy Shop, but with 2 ft diameter cogs/gears & motors ranging from 200 hp up to 600 to put together
And the owners are these 2 Germans, man & wife around 70 that are really nice.
I think I might take a pay cut to work there
I just like the environment & it will be something new, which the other, electrcal, is kinda boring now to me.
So, I have 4 more interviews this week, so well see.

Wish me luck :)

It's Neil time :)



Well-Known Member
I'm gonna make an announcement that is to me both happy & sad, a perfect balance in away.
1st the sad
I'm stopping growing & putting down the snips. :(
Every state around me is legal now and this state ,Connecticut is going legal next year & the demand for my herb is way down so I'm saying fuck it.
Been growing for over 30 years and had a lot of fun & smoked a shit ton of herb, but the allure just ain't there anymore.
I'm actully fucking bored with it
So here's the good news (I hope)
I retired 3 years ago & grew full time & was doing ok but as mentioned, it just wasn't profitable
So, I need income, or at least it would be nice to have some, so I decided that I'll pick up the tools again.
I was an electrician before, so I sent a resume out last week and have had a lot of interest whiich is very cool.
Today I had my 1st interview at a factory (I'm mostly Industrial/Commercial/no houses) assuming that they were looking for an electrician, but nope, they wanted someone to put together/fabricate/inspect & test these huge grain mills that take the wheat and turn it into flour.
The mill spins at 1800 rpm and any insects in the grain are killed by centrifugal force & then sifted out (in China they keep them in/makes you virile)
Fucking cool machines.
They are assembled in a 60,000 sq ft factory that I will essentially be in charge of and have no experience whatsoever.
I'll be trained for a week or so & then it's off I go.
I find that fucking hysterical :)
It's like Santa's Toy Shop, but with 2 ft diameter cogs/gears & motors ranging from 200 hp up to 600 to put together
And the owners are these 2 Germans, man & wife around 70 that are really nice.
I think I might take a pay cut to work there
I just like the environment & it will be something new, which the other, electrcal, is kinda boring now to me.
So, I have 4 more interviews this week, so well see.

Wish me luck :)

It's Neil time :)

I found the same thing here with legalization, I was selling good bud to friends for $140 an ounce, but the government is now selling pretty good bud for less and illegal online dispensaries are as low as $99 CDN. Demand dried up, my grow partner and friend passed away and I quit smoking. I'm gonna disassemble the grow this winter and if I wanna smoke I'll buy some government dope. I just need to figure out what to do with the DIY water cooled LED grow lights.

Glad to see yer working again, so ya must be feeling better and recovered from your illness, there's a labor shortage and particularly in trades, so there's plenty of opportunity. Other than growing for a hobby and for one's own use, there's no money to be made in pot these days competing against giant operations. A soon as legalization goes federal and they can mail it, much of the market will be national and mail order, even semi or illegal.


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry for your loss. But i want to point Out that shame was the driving source of the WOSD.Dontt it get you down brother. Its a plant. You grow it like tomatoes or those fucking viny pickles


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry for your loss. But i want to point Out that shame was the driving source of the WOSD.Dontt it get you down brother. Its a plant. You grow it like tomatoes or those fucking viny pickles
Most of what we did was compassion club stuff and I was more interested in building LED grow lights than growing pot. I started with a medical license before recreational legalization, but found I didn't like going down to the garden everyday and I liked harvesting even less! So I got a friend to help with harvest and eventually he became a grow partner, coming in to the basement everyday and doing all the regular work. He passed away in August, but was sick for months before and it took the joy out of it for me, towards the end I was really keeping it going for him, before he got sick.

Pot is legal federally here and MOMs, illegal online dispensaries, will sell ya an ounce in Canada for $99 CDN, about $75USD and I can buy it locally from the government store for about $130 an ounce for decent bud. Outdoor growing is an option with the right strain, but seasons are short. I figure most of the oil and concentrates for sale are from outdoor, or shake from green house or indoor grows. In any case it's not worth growing for profit, though I was just selling enough to friends to cover the expenses and was beating the government on price for awhile.

As a hobby that one enjoys it's fine and you can still produce a lot of quality bud cheaply for yourself and friends, but most folks don't smoke that much and a pound of good bud plus shake to make hash and edibles will last them a long time.


Well-Known Member
Don't get that government weed lol, will drive to the border and throw some over if you throw some Tim Hortons back.
If it is legalized federally in America, the states will run recreational like in Canada, but if you can mail it, illegal or semi legal online dispensaries will pop up. Pot is not like booze and can be easily and cheaply mailed, so prices are gonna go national as the state stores seek to compete with the private sector in some states. The feds in Canada made it legal to mail so in theory the provinces would compete to keep prices low and kill the black market. It's working to a point, however the black market has moved online, here's an example of a google search for Canadian online dispensaries, near 24 million results for a country with a pop of 34 million!


Well-Known Member
Since we have the piecemeal patchwork with all states being different, the mail still gets utilized quite a bit. Most that I knew that were still involved had to go that route, find somewhere that there was still a market and hope your package got to where it needed to go. That keeps becoming less of an option as more states go legal, though many places the legal weed is really expensive.

I am looking forward to national legalization. Having 50 sets of laws is dumb and makes it impossible to have a legitimate industry.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of growing too much pot. . . . . . . . . I have an old pot problem too. A few nights ago I was looking though some old storage and found about 3/4 of an ounce of Jack Herer X Shit/Skunk mixed with a few buds of ED Or Orange. (the day I harvested it, I had already gone through all my bags but one, so I clipped buds off both plants into the same bag. At the time it was real easy to tell them apart, and even now I think I can tell them apart) Those strains are kind of new to me, so it can't be more than two or three years old. It still taste pretty good, and since I hadn't smoked it in a while, is really getting me high. I can't remember why I packed it away and didn't smoke all of it at the time.


Well-Known Member
Since we have the piecemeal patchwork with all states being different, the mail still gets utilized quite a bit. Most that I knew that were still involved had to go that route, find somewhere that there was still a market and hope your package got to where it needed to go. That keeps becoming less of an option as more states go legal, though many places the legal weed is really expensive.

I am looking forward to national legalization. Having 50 sets of laws is dumb and makes it impossible to have a legitimate industry.
Federal legalization is coming in the states, but like alcohol each state will regulate it, but it should be able to be mailed and mailing pot is easy and cheap. Everything is sold online these days and the black market in Canada went from local to online and if ya know people running an online dispensary you might still make a go of it, but competition is fierce. Removing criminal sanctions changes things significantly and opens up court and constitutional legal challenges too. Removing federal laws and rescheduling it like tobacco and alcohol would be wise, but like alcohol the feds will still needs some laws around it. Now you have a corporate lobby for legalization, a legal infrastructure, money and strong political support.


Well-Known Member
Well, and it's a long shot, my real hope from federal legislation is that it allows some sort of small craft sales type situation. Certainly a long shot, and yeah, it isnt like alcohol has similar provisions, but maybe...

"I want to sell it like tomatoes at the farmers market" isnt realistic, but that would be my goal. Since you can't do that with wine/beer/spirits I wouldn't imagine it coming to fruition for weed.

I do view weed as sort of like craft beer or wine now, at least my weird ass homegrown stuff. Unique tastes/effects/etc. that wouldn't necessarily appeal to a wide audience and/or are hard to scale. "Smoke this....its weeeeeeird."


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna make an announcement that is to me both happy & sad, a perfect balance in away.
1st the sad
I'm stopping growing & putting down the snips. :(
Every state around me is legal now and this state ,Connecticut is going legal next year & the demand for my herb is way down so I'm saying fuck it.
Been growing for over 30 years and had a lot of fun & smoked a shit ton of herb, but the allure just ain't there anymore.
I'm actully fucking bored with it
So here's the good news (I hope)
I retired 3 years ago & grew full time & was doing ok but as mentioned, it just wasn't profitable
So, I need income, or at least it would be nice to have some, so I decided that I'll pick up the tools again.
I was an electrician before, so I sent a resume out last week and have had a lot of interest whiich is very cool.
Today I had my 1st interview at a factory (I'm mostly Industrial/Commercial/no houses) assuming that they were looking for an electrician, but nope, they wanted someone to put together/fabricate/inspect & test these huge grain mills that take the wheat and turn it into flour.
The mill spins at 1800 rpm and any insects in the grain are killed by centrifugal force & then sifted out (in China they keep them in/makes you virile)
Fucking cool machines.
They are assembled in a 60,000 sq ft factory that I will essentially be in charge of and have no experience whatsoever.
I'll be trained for a week or so & then it's off I go.
I find that fucking hysterical :)
It's like Santa's Toy Shop, but with 2 ft diameter cogs/gears & motors ranging from 200 hp up to 600 to put together
And the owners are these 2 Germans, man & wife around 70 that are really nice.
I think I might take a pay cut to work there
I just like the environment & it will be something new, which the other, electrcal, is kinda boring now to me.
So, I have 4 more interviews this week, so well see.

Wish me luck :)

It's Neil time :)

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