Think i'm over watering my auto

I'm in the 19th day of flower and every night about 2hrs. Before my lights go out she starts drooping on me,and after I water her she droops, feeding her every other watering 1 1/2 tsp.of tigerbloom,1tsp big bloom, 2tbls.of unsulferedmolasses and 2.5ml of calmag,to a half gallon of water. Every 3 days (except in pre flower stretch then was almost every 2 days.) I'm in a 3gal. Pot it's plastic not fabric, working on getting a few fabric pots, the plastic one has a lot of wholes in it from the factory and from me so drainage is not a problem, plenty of airflow in my tent keep temp between 60 degrees and 65 degrees ferinhight at night and between 70 and 75 degrees ferinhight during the day. Low humidity under a mf-1000 light from maxisun. My tent is2×2×4. How can I get her straightened out?? My strain is Northern lights xxbigbud from EXPERT SEEDS AND I AM VERRY HAPPY WITH THEIR GENETICS, ANY ADVICE WOULD BE APPRECIATED!!!!16394492852725850122984309011152.jpg


Well-Known Member
They look hungry to me. What are you growing in? Soil I’m assuming. The droop before lights out is normal for the plant to do.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
yes your ov4er watering, but the light makes the plant look sick. can you take a pic under ordinary l;ight


Well-Known Member
With led. Get your temp up to 80-82F.
pretty normal to see plant droopnear lights out.
Make sure she’s dried right out before you water.

i feed mostly “grow” neuts the first 2 weeks of flower. Keeps them lush green for later in flower.
the plants use a fair amount of nitrogen during the stretch
With led. Get your temp up to 80-82F.
pretty normal to see plant droopnear lights out.
Make sure she’s dried right out before you water.

i feed mostly “grow” neuts the first 2 weeks of flower. Keeps them lush green for later in flower.
the plants use a fair amount of nitrogen during the stretch
I top dressed the soil with some bat guano when she first went into pre flower stretch was getting purplish on my stems and Bron rust spots on my leaves that's why I'm using the calmag. That's what I should be using right???


Well-Known Member
Drooping near the end of a light session is from light saturation. Did you increase the light distance (or %) recently, or around the time that this started? You definitely have a couple of issues going on, with feeding/watering, and probably the light.