Weird clear to white “clumps” appear on the stems in cloner after 2-3 days in cloner

That looks like fungus or mould. You need to sterilize that cloner an all the bits including those foam bits. What temperature does your water sit at in the cloner wen that problem shows an are you adding anything to the water or ends of the cuttings ?
They get dipped in EZ clone rooting powder. The cloner gets cloneX in it. Water temp is good, about 70• the cloner is always deep cleaned before use. I use fresh pucks each time. Alcohol the blade b4 each cut. It seems to “grow“ on the stocks at day 2-3 in cloner. Also I’ve started spraying a hormone for clones on them, but this problem came b4 I began that.
I don’t cover the cloner and they get good air flow. Humidity is low now and is always no higher than 50% in grow.
Clones love humidity. Last winter I lost a whole run of pheno hunted fire genetics because the humidity was too low. The same fungus slowly overtook all of my cuts and a few plants I was trying to reveg. It was my biggest blunder yet. Use a dome and keep everything sterile. The cuts should root before the fungus if everything is on the up and up.

Yesterday I discovered roots from a cut I took on the 26th of last month. I had written it off and was about to toss it. The little thing looks rough, but I'm sure it will be okay. I'm using Root Riot plugs now though. Just water, no hormones or anything.
They get dipped in EZ clone rooting powder. The cloner gets cloneX in it. Water temp is good, about 70• the cloner is always deep cleaned before use. I use fresh pucks each time. Alcohol the blade b4 each cut. It seems to “grow“ on the stocks at day 2-3 in cloner. Also I’ve started spraying a hormone for clones on them, but this problem came b4 I began that.

Do you spray them with water alot. Mind taking a picture of the roots aswell. Cus it looks like a tinny bit of root showing in the one picture an the colour looks off.
Please dont think im trying to knock you or your method. I do understand everyone does things how it works for them. But this might help you. Try to take cuttings with no cutts or wounds on them bar the main cut at the bottom (were we want it to focus on rooting)an the few leaves removed above this. You want to try to make it so there are no sites for any dieses an infections an so the cut has as little stress as possible bar the one wound that we are getting it to focus on. Try an put yourself in a situation were you do everything you can to get the odds of a cutting surving in your favour.
They get dipped in EZ clone rooting powder. The cloner gets cloneX in it. Water temp is good, about 70• the cloner is always deep cleaned before use. I use fresh pucks each time. Alcohol the blade b4 each cut. It seems to “grow“ on the stocks at day 2-3 in cloner. Also I’ve started spraying a hormone for clones on them, but this problem came b4 I began that.

I wonder if your rooting powder has mycos in it or similar. ?
that is definitely some kind of fungus, get some pool shock, make up a stock solution of 3 grams of pool shock to a gallon of distilled water. use one oz of that per gallon of rez, and refresh it every three days.
i'd clean my cloner real well first, and the area where you keep it. there may be something somewhere in the area that keeps infecting your cloner, wipe everything down with bleach water, let it all dry good, make sure you have good air flow, but don't have a fan right on the cloner, one blowing toward a wall close to your cloner ought to be plenty to keep the air circulating.
i used plain water, ph'ed to 6.0, no clonex or anything in my res, always had good results 90+ %
Thank you for the info. I’ve never seen anything like this. I realized my r/o had a ph of 9 and wonder if that would cause the fungus problem to do this? It’s weird and ruining all my clones.
My clones didn’t root at all. The stems where roots should be are still firm and nice but the clones are garbage. We bagged a few up and put them in the deep freezer and will send them to a lab for testing. I really just want to know why this happened and what exactly it is so it doesn’t happen again. The reddish look on the cloner is a hormone spray I tried. The problem began before I tried that.
I’ve started a new batch in a fresh cloner with only ph’d water, no dipping sauce or anything. Ph is 5.7 now. Hadn’t realized it was up to 9 from my well. Sterile technique used and hopefully something good happens. I’ll get a dome on them as my humidity is quite low. Thank you all! I’ll try to update this when I get it figured out.
My clones didn’t root at all. The stems where roots should be are still firm and nice but the clones are garbage. We bagged a few up and put them in the deep freezer and will send them to a lab for testing. I really just want to know why this happened and what exactly it is so it doesn’t happen again. The reddish look on the cloner is a hormone spray I tried. The problem began before I tried that.
I’ve started a new batch in a fresh cloner with only ph’d water, no dipping sauce or anything. Ph is 5.7 now. Hadn’t realized it was up to 9 from my well. Sterile technique used and hopefully something good happens. I’ll get a dome on them as my humidity is quite low. Thank you all! I’ll try to update this when I get it figured out.
I forgot about you using a cloner when I suggested a dome. A lot of people say they don't need them, but it can't hurt. I just know I got the same fungus the only time I skipped using a dome to clone.