Cannabis "Legalization" - my opinion

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Well-Known Member
I don't know what you would actually call it, but my belief is, that cannabis should be as readily available as tomatoes. I should be able to go to a farmers market if I want to and buy some buds or even "heirloom" seeds. Cannabis seeds should be next to the tomato seeds at Walmart. Obviously, I would not buy cannabis seeds from Walmart, I just believe that it should be that easily accessible. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
So you think weed should be available to children?

You think every dumb MFer out there should be allowed to drive while high?

Or are you just one of those posters here that literally argues every fucking post because you're a vague knowitall? Which is it?
I think that if you do dumb shit while you're high, that's on you for just being a dumb shit, not the cannabis.

Next, yes I believe cannabis should be available to everyone. Obviously, most children don't smoke/use cannabis, jackass. And it also does not increase usage just by making it available.

And forgive me if I'm wrong, but I believe you are arguing on my thread, about my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Do I need a name for making a non-harmful, often helpful(even medicinal by nature) plant available to anyone and everyone?
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