tired of buying it...watch me grow...first time...


Well-Known Member
good eyes i noticed that yesterday when i took the pics...the other plant in the soil is a girl i named her Lola,its showing a few positive things that make me think it is, so she will now have a name. and what i mean by positive is no balls like the big male i had..im seeing hairs but its way too small to get a camera shot..just hope she dont turn hermie...EVERYONE SAY HI TO LOLA..



Well-Known Member
she is showing her hairs, i was so happy when i saw them i wanted to run outside and yell to everyone...then i came back to reality...once i can get a good picture of the hairs i will post them..right now im useing a very small magnifying glass...so hard to get a good shot with the camera, but i will keep working on bringing that for everyone to see...be safe and everyone have a good day...


Well-Known Member
ok i managed to get some pictures of Lola today:mrgreen:...i know my grow is not very informative but im learning as i go...but if you want to see a journal with alot of pictures though out then this is the place...take care everyone...peace and hair grease:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
nice sir definatly a girl also:blsmoke: Looks very healthy some off shoots showing purple stems they might be getting a tad cool at night but doesnt seem to bad


Well-Known Member
due to some space and not haveing enough lights, i decided to get rid of the clone, since i already know i have a female it really wasnt a hard decision...i moved Lola to a bigger pot last week,and today i started to set the timer back 15 minutes each day until its at a even 12/12...I plan on cloneing one of the plants in the aerogarden if any become female, and then put clones in the aerogarden.i think clones would work better in a aerogarden due to the size of the tank... one of the plants in the aerogarden has something going on with the leaves...i have no idea what it is, and at this point i dont have the funds to correct it if it requires buying something lol im broke...its hards times brothers ands sisters...i just hope i make it thru this grow with at least 5 grams...here is some pictures...i hope everybody is safe and high...no matter what race, color, gender, and sexual orientation...oh yea i also topped all three of the plants in the aero garden on thursday...



Well-Known Member
Lookin good so far, im sure the ones in the AG will recover, from whati have seen and heard, the browning tends to happend with those things, good luck with the rest of the grow, there lookin great bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
meaning the waters ph is off right? let me know next time you sign on..i wonder why its only effecting one plant though..


Well-Known Member
if its only effecting one then its not ph might be just a little stress or something if it gets worse let me know


Well-Known Member
thanks aethersaegis i will let you know if it gets worst or any changes......

Ballo it does look disgusting but it gets me through, thats why i want to grow my own, so i can have some kind of selection ya know, not just whatever that dealer has that week...and i hate dealing with the dealers, i cant wait until the day comes and i dont have give my money to someone, instead i can use that money to perfect this art of growing...

sugarydave keep checking out this journal cause i still have a long time to go i cant wait to post pictures of my plants budding...

and to anyone following i will give rep points for comments made to my journal.....


Well-Known Member
i think he ment disgusting as in good:bigjoint:

i just cut some clones off my mother today and half way through i realized i was out of root hormone :eyesmoke: lol im such a stupid stoner so the got cloned with not root gel should be ok tho iv had to do it that way before lol.
i still cant belive how bushy that one plant u got looks looks like a salad :bigjoint: