Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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  • Yes.

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I used to wear airtight respirators 8-10 hours a day.. Welders and healthcare workers are lucky & anyway what makes you think doctors & surgeons wear them to protect themselves? They also raise the oxygen levels in the rooms whilst wearing them. Seriously try again.

You ever worn an airtight mask for 8 hours while the snot trickles from your nose? It's called your body not coping properly. You're inducing cold & flu like symptoms dickhead ffs..
Cool story.
I’m too busy to respond, I just found out the 5G was turned on in my neighborhood and I’m busy digging the chip out of my arm with a scalpel, pliers and a large electromagnet. I did research online and it showed me how to neutralize the chip. Wish me luck, there’s already a lot of blood.
I used to wear airtight respirators 8-10 hours a day.. Welders and healthcare workers are lucky & anyway what makes you think doctors & surgeons wear them to protect themselves? They also raise the oxygen levels in the rooms whilst wearing them. Seriously try again.

You ever worn an airtight mask for 8 hours while the snot trickles from your nose? It's called your body not coping properly. You're inducing cold & flu like symptoms dickhead ffs.. Maybe if people actually looked after their bodies (You know not fat fuck lazy cunts who eat junk food all day) they wouldn't get sick in the first place. I haven't been sick since June 2020 & know exactly what caused it. A change of diet.

I haven't seen meth on the ol' food pyramid, but I'll check again...
I used to wear airtight respirators 8-10 hours a day.. Welders and healthcare workers are lucky & anyway what makes you think doctors & surgeons wear them to protect themselves? They also raise the oxygen levels in the rooms whilst wearing them. Seriously try again.

You ever worn an airtight mask for 8 hours while the snot trickles from your nose? It's called your body not coping properly. You're inducing cold & flu like symptoms dickhead ffs..
I used to wear a respirator, trained people in their use, gave courses and fit tested people using a machine, half mask and full face plus SCUBA. The N95 fiber respirators people wear for particulates are another ball game and wearing them for a few minutes while in a public place is a minor inconvenience at best. Masks slow the spread of omicron and the hospitals are already swamped, everybody will get omicron eventually, even the vaxxed, so normal people try to help the folks in the hospitals by wearing a mask and getting vaxxed. Wearing a mask slows the spread and getting vaxxed means less chance of serious illness, both take pressure of the healthcare system that people like you are trying your best to fuck over.
I used to wear a respirator, trained people in their use, gave courses and fit tested people using a machine, half mask and full face plus SCUBA. The N95 fiber respirators people wear for particulates are another ball game and wearing them for a few minutes while in a public place is a minor inconvenience at best. Masks slow the spread of omicron and the hospitals are already swamped, everybody will get omicron eventually, even the vaxxed, so normal people try to help the folks in the hospitals by wearing a mask and getting vaxxed. Wearing a mask slows the spread and getting vaxxed means less chance of serious illness, both take pressure of the healthcare system that people like you are trying your best to fuck over.

Omicron was spread across the world by the vaxxed. How can an unvaxxed person spread it when they can't even leave their State in some cases let alone country. I'm from Australia which is a perfect case study for the entire pandemic as we're literally surrounded by ocean. In New South Wales 2 days ago we had 137 deaths & the way the Government bang on about the unvaxxed here you'd think that the majority of those deaths would of been among the unvaxxed. Well 133 of the 137 were double jabbed if not with booster... Suicide vaccinating during a pandemic, viral escape & variants will soon follow everytime (And that's me assuming the virus even exists prior to the jab).

We've had more people die since the vaccine rollout then without it. How do they work?
Omicron was spread across the world by the vaxxed. How can an unvaxxed person spread it when they can't even leave their State in some cases let alone country. I'm from Australia which is a perfect case study for the entire pandemic as we're literally surrounded by ocean. In New South Wales 2 days ago we had 137 deaths & the way the Government bang on about the unvaxxed here you'd think that the majority of those deaths would of been among the unvaxxed. Well 133 of the 137 were double jabbed if not with booster... Suicide vaccinating during a pandemic, viral escape & variants will soon follow everytime (And that's me assuming the virus even exists prior to the jab).
You have been told nonsense.
lol the 6ft apart is a military thing dude. You do realise your "Heart" has an EMF with a 6ft radius? It's about how they can identify you in public, not about how far your spit can travel.. Jeezuz christ what do you people fill your heads with?
My! I would love to hear more about that if you would. I spent a little while boning up on medical equipment when I was trying to decide which way to go o a juncture in my life.

I used to wear airtight respirators 8-10 hours a day.. Welders and healthcare workers are lucky & anyway what makes you think doctors & surgeons wear them to protect themselves? They also raise the oxygen levels in the rooms whilst wearing them. Seriously try again.

You ever worn an airtight mask for 8 hours while the snot trickles from your nose? It's called your body not coping properly. You're inducing cold & flu like symptoms dickhead ffs.. Maybe if people actually looked after their bodies (You know not fat fuck lazy cunts who eat junk food all day) they wouldn't get sick in the first place. I haven't been sick since June 2020 & know exactly what caused it. A change of diet.

I used to wear N-95's in ICU and in surgery. Could you also tell me about raising the O2 levels in the room. First time I heard about it.

I will agree with the drop hanging off the end of your nose. Darn annoying. But a little price to pay for you keeping yourself and others safe.
We've had more people die since the vaccine rollout then without it. How do they work?
For one, the unvaxed are dying at a greater rate than the vaxed. But you can't fix stupid it seems. But maybe a picture is worth a thousand words. Last week's data in graphic form where I live.


If you look at the right two pie charts, you can see that only 13% of the covid cases are unvaxed when they come into the hospital. But this 13% account for 78% of the deaths we had. The 22% that died that were vaxed? Well there is only so much you can ask for of the vaccines if the person is in their 70's and has multiple risk factors. But you seem to understand that part it seems.
You do realise that if you don't update your booster you're also considered "Unvaccinated" just the same as you aren't considered to be fully vaccinated until 2 weeks after your 2nd shot? oops. Try again & remdesivir is what is killing people in hospitals.. It's experimental & had a 30% mortality rate in trials...Destroys the kidneys & floods the lungs yeah? Such a pandemic, more like mass murder.
I’m a little lost now. I don’t understand how we got to Nazis, Hitler and pedophiles. I did some more online research though and uncovered some disturbing shit. Do you guys all know that Hillary Clinton goes to a private island and gets injections of a special chemical to restore her youth and keep her hold on world power? The chemical is harvested from the brains of small children who are sadistically tortured and molested by wealthy democrat pedophiles - torturing and molesting the children makes the sacred brain chemical stronger.
The technique was perfected by Nazis during WWII and secretly passed on to wealthy elites at the Vatican right after Germany surrendered.
I know, I know, it sounds crazy and unhinged but all the evidence is available online if you look hard. Everyone, do your own research. The vaccines are tied to this somehow, I haven’t discover how yet, but I’m gonna keep digging. Masks are tied in too. The truth is out there and the matrix is real.
I’m a little lost now. I don’t understand how we got to Nazis, Hitler and pedophiles. I did some more online research though and uncovered some disturbing shit. Do you guys all know that Hillary Clinton goes to a private island and gets injections of a special chemical to restore her youth and keep her hold on world power? The chemical is harvested from the brains of small children who are sadistically tortured and molested by wealthy democrat pedophiles - torturing and molesting the children makes the sacred brain chemical stronger.
The technique was perfected by Nazis during WWII and secretly passed on to wealthy elites at the Vatican right after Germany surrendered.
I know, I know, it sounds crazy and unhinged but all the evidence is available online if you look hard. Everyone, so your own research. The vaccines are tied to this somehow, I haven’t discover how yet, but I’m gonna keep digging. Masks are tied in too. The truth is out there and the matrix is real.
I just oh goodness