Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Got my boost yesterday and I'm glad I did, this time the arm is a bit tender, but nothing serious at all. Hopefully that should hold me over till the hospitals are in better shape and there are antiviral drugs available if one were at risk. If figure I should be ok with a boost and we will see how it goes from there, still wearing a mask and living sensibly though.

Sorry...But the Governments are now admitting it.
lol I'd rather be called dumb than have this inside my body shithead. Who knows you might be able to transform into Starscream one day. I picked him because he's the dumbest of the lot of them.
Dude I'm a white Muslim in the West who hates Western Democracy.. 80% of the world could keel over & all I think is "Time to pillage these Kafir".. What makes you think I'm trying to change your mind? I push you closer to the poison shot, that's my objective faggot. I actually want you dead lol

Oh,you're one of those idiots, that explains a lot, I just drew a picture of the prophet tossing Putins salad, does that bother you?
lol I'd rather be called dumb than have this inside my body shithead. Who knows you might be able to transform into Starscream one day. I picked him because he's the dumbest of the lot of them.
Hey you'll be vaxxed the natural (and hard) way soon enough, Fauci is calling it a "viral vaccine" and it will get everybody sooner or later, the vaxxed have a much easier ride and most just get another boost. Intelligent people who care about their communities wear a mask in public and will for awhile, at least until the strain is taken off the hospitals and there are therapeutics available later this spring.

Antisocial assholes with an axe to grind won't wear a mask in public and won't get vaccinated because they are stupid, ignorant and believe bullshit. Imagine being so fucking dumb someone can talk you into risking your life and dying, using easily disproven bullshit. How fucking stupid do you have to be to die to own the libs with a foot long plastic tube shoved down yer fucking gob? Thousands of idiots have and republicans are dying like flies with the lie on their lips or as their last words before being intubated. The hospitals are full of the assholes now cursing at staff, spitting on them and they're getting death threats from relatives, a bunch of fucking deplorables.
Oh,you're one of those idiots, that explains a lot, I just drew a picture of the prophet tossing Putins salad, does that bother you?
You are a Blasphemous infidel. You’re going to manage to have a fatwa issued for your head and have the FSB after you with a polonium shot if you post that artwork. Please be careful, radiation poisoning is not a cool way to go from what I’ve heard.
Hey you'll be vaxxed the natural (and hard) way soon enough, Fauci is calling it a "viral vaccine" and it will get everybody sooner or later, the vaxxed have a much easier ride and most just get another boost. Intelligent people who care about their communities wear a mask in public and will for awhile, at least until the strain is taken off the hospitals and there are therapeutics available later this spring.

Antisocial assholes with an axe to grind won't wear a mask in public and won't get vaccinated because they are stupid, ignorant and believe bullshit. Imagine being so fucking dumb someone can talk you into risking your life and dying, using easily disproven bullshit. How fucking stupid do you have to be to die to own the libs with a foot long plastic tube shoved down yer fucking gob? Thousands of idiots have and republicans are dying like flies with the lie on their lips of as their last words before being intubated. The hospitals are full of the assholes now cursing at staff, spitting on them and they're getting death threats from relatives, a bunch of fucking deplorables.
I have to object to you separating idiots and Republicans
Otherwise I completely agree :lol:
You are a Blasphemous infidel. You’re going to manage to have a fatwa issued for your head and have the FSB after you with a polonium shot if you post that artwork. Please be careful, radiation poisoning is not a cool way to go from what I’ve heard.

lol yeah & my Jewish Gematria number is also 1313. Unlucky me. An Angel number... Sort of like the 13th of April, 2029 when you regret this moment boy. Know what my name is in Jewish? Just so happens to be Yeshua... My actual name is J**** C***** & no not who you think either.
You are a Blasphemous infidel. You’re going to manage to have a fatwa issued for your head and have the FSB after you with a polonium shot if you post that artwork. Please be careful, radiation poisoning is not a cool way to go from what I’ve heard.
lol I've heard stainless steel nanoparticles aren't very good either yet they're within the covid vials (Proven). I just wonder how it will react with your technology. I mean Steel Wool ignites close to a ringing phone. Wonder how it goes when its close to your head? I wonder if it will burn like "Sulphur" as is mentioned in one specific text ;)
lol yeah & my Jewish Gematria number is also 1313. Unlucky me. An Angel number... Sort of like the 13th of April, 2029 when you regret this moment boy. Know what my name is in Jewish? Just so happens to be Yeshua... My actual name is J**** C***** & no not who you think either.
You and the My Pillow guy should get together
The great orange Jim Jones would also be a good fit for your version of the world