First grow need advice


Well-Known Member
Do they have to hang down before they open and release pollen? I just noticed these starting to form maybe 4-5 days ago.
I can't see any open ones there yet. Yes, they usually grow a bit of a stem and hang upside down when ready to let go of the pollen.
Like an upside down umbrella.

Bud man 43

Well-Known Member
Sure, but if thats all there is on the plant then in my opinion it is too soon to cull it.
They might be culling the best smoker of the three.
Worth letting it develop a little longer in my opinion.
Not long now and they will also be harvesting something consumable from it.
It's not black and white in every situation depending on the goals of the grower.
Thanks- I think i am going to remove all of them and see how it hoes- this is my first try here. They look really good


Well-Known Member
It is most definitely a hermaphrodite, and not good for anything, except ruining the rest of your plants. It is already spreading small amounts of pollen.

You should carefully remove it NOW.

I would mist everything in the room with water at lights off, and then remove it. The water will kill any pollen floating around.

It happens, most likely from genetics. You'll have a few seeds probably, but the rest isn';t ruined....yet.


Well-Known Member
That might be the only male flowers you find. Fingers crossed that is the case then any seeds you get become valuable.
Some of the best commercial indoor weed comes with seeds in it. Admittedly very few but when you find them and grow them they are usually pretty good.


Well-Known Member
That might be the only male flowers you find. Fingers crossed that is the case then any seeds you get become valuable.
Some of the best commercial indoor weed comes with seeds in it. Admittedly very few but when you find them and grow them they are usually pretty good.
Sorry man. But what commercial weed are you getting with seeds in it? And there's a huge difference between a true hermie, and a plant that throws nanners under stress.


Well-Known Member
This seed was found in a high quality medical
Just think, anything you get off it will be a bonus.
Some people get a bit carried away about male flowers.
Just be vigilant removing them and have fun. It's a learning curve and sticking with this plant until you can tell how bad the problem is would seem to be a logical step.
At least you know the seed came from something the dispensaries consider to be good.
Stick to your guns if the male flowers never open then nothing gets pollinated.
You have nothing to lose.


Well-Known Member
Just think, anything you get off it will be a bonus.
Some people get a bit carried away about male flowers.
Just be vigilant removing them and have fun. It's a learning curve and sticking with this plant until you can tell how bad the problem is would seem to be a logical step.
At least you know the seed came from something the dispensaries consider to be good.
Stick to your guns if the male flowers never open then nothing gets pollinated.
You have nothing to lose.
Are you retarded?

Bud man 43

Well-Known Member
Just think, anything you get off it will be a bonus.
Some people get a bit carried away about male flowers.
Just be vigilant removing them and have fun. It's a learning curve and sticking with this plant until you can tell how bad the problem is would seem to be a logical step.
At least you know the seed came from something the dispensaries consider to be good.
Stick to your guns if the male flowers never open then nothing gets pollinated.
You have nothing to lose.
I have zero experience- but i have been with these girls every day- pruning and rotating them. I really don’t think anything opened yet. I see the browning pistols but the buds don’t look like they are making any seeds- yet. Could it just be this strain? It is supposed to be a prolific resin producer.


Well-Known Member
by the time you notice open pistols or seed its too late. you lost half the weed if hermie but male theres no bud. Seeded bud is a pain in the ass. I would trash em hermie and seeds from them. every experienced peeps passing by would give you a 3 stooges poke in the eye for not trashing these before ruining other females.