Well-Known Member
Take the "mild" thing up with Dr. Fauci and the half dozen other experts I've seen on TV using the term in relation to omicron. They are speaking statistically, omicron still kills lot's of unvaxxed and vaxxed people, just not as many as delta would have. The fact is a large part of the expert community hope we will ride on omicron's back out of the pandemic, Fauci called it a "viral vaccine".Killed him only 12 hrs after he tested positive, that's some mild shit.
Veteran and Nurse Dies of COVID After Testing Positive at Work: 'Everything Happened Quickly'
Jeff Sales, who was fully vaccinated and worked in a COVID-19 unit at his Florida hospital, had a pre-existing heart
Like it or not this is the reality of the situation, eventually we will all deal with covid, omicron or some other version, until better vaccines come along. We should have home testing and antiviral therapeutics available when we do though, but these won't be used in every case because they will want people to develop natural immunity to new strains too. We already accept a lot of deaths every year from flu and RSV, this will be added to the list of seasonal woes.