Super leds Top secret technology


Well-Known Member
If you had government facilities, unlimited budget and access to top scientists would they build leds that were ten times as bright and strong or is the current technology at the front already.

We can make better technology already of many things but there's always some catch like ultra rare metals or the cost would be far too high or why when the world just isn't ready.

Covid for example, we had no chance without billions and all the top labs and scientists but we had the ability and means already just too many catches until the population of earth was threatened.

Or the blackbird Lockheed martin SR71 built decades in advance of most of the technology but with budgets and boffins not impossible to do.

So where would we be if someone said here's ten trillion dollars go make the best led ever? Still a spider farmer or something we could only dream of?
That's just a figure of speech, maybe some ultra pulsed led could cycle enough to save half the electricity or another idea. There could be better leds already just they cost too much to produce.

Just wondering, I don't have any need for anything better but sure there will be years from now.
Lol, I still haven't even received my COVID tests& masks that they promised us like a month(s) ago.... Rest of the world gets cheap healthcare and we get some "free" tests/masks instead, sounds about right .
really? we got our tests about 5 days after i filled out the form online. havent' used them yet (knocks on wood)
OP, I think there is of course something a lot better coming. our tiny brains can't comprehend it yet. it's like how we look at the old times and think, oh wow they used to think cocaine and heroin were medicine? what idiots... in the future we will look back at tylenol and advil and think wow, primitive idiots poisoning themselves, because we will have much better shit (like cannabinoids.)

speaking of the future, what I would really like is an AI that can listen to an internal combustion engine and separate each sound into a wave file, examine them and tell me which part needs to be replaced. My LEDs are fine.