Pandemic 2020

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I mentioned not long ago that covid attacks tcells and damages the immune system. The scientist who I got that from says a new paper is coming out soon that confirms his exact conclusion and the process by which it happens. He calls it aging the immune system which means it's cumulative, I'll post it when it's released.
Think HIV but it attacks in a different way. Will dying from repeated covid infections and long covid resemble someone that died of AIDS, not a pretty sight.
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So they know it damages the brain but a post-it note will fix it.

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Fuck me
Now it makes sense
I never really had a good memory, but I have definitely noticed a decline in my ability to remember things now.
Like a drastic decline that occurred rapidly after having Covid this last summer.
I now have a hard time remembering Dr. appointments, which I am still seeing weekly as a result of my lungs being fucked (55% loss in my ability to absorb oxygen) or even how to spell simple words or forgetting how to get to a destination that I had driven to many times.
I really thought that I maybe had early onset Alzheimer's.
Also, I was diagnosed with anemia which occurs with blood loss which they thought was possibly due to polyps in my colon or an ulcer which after a colonoscopy/endoscopy they determined wasn't the case.
They have no fucking clue what's going on.
I lost 35 lbs when I was in the hospital of which I've only regained 1/2.
Fatigue, all the fucking time (I take naps all day long, like 4 or 5.) then I can't sleep more than 4 hours a night (has anyone notice my posts at 4/5 o'clock in the morning, that's why)
This really, really sucks.
And then I see all these motherfuckers all over the World protesting mandates that are in place to SAVE FUCKING LIVES!!!!
I don't give a fuck about they're fucking freedom, those stupid, stupid people, they're a clear & present danger to my family, myself & others.
Don't they get that?
And now we have those assholes in Canada infringing on other people's rights and praised by the like of Carlson/Cruz/MTG and most of the GOP.
And now an American faction is starting, threating to disrupt the Super Bowl & shut down DC like they are doing in Ottawa.
I hope every last one of them/their families/ friends/pets all get it and fucking die, so the rest of the sane people in this World can get back to some semblance of a normal life.

Get the vaccination & wear a mask, PLEASE!!!
Fuck me
Now it makes sense
I never really had a good memory, but I have definitely noticed a decline in my ability to remember things now.
Like a drastic decline that occurred rapidly after having Covid this last summer.
I now have a hard time remembering Dr. appointments, which I am still seeing weekly as a result of my lungs being fucked (55% loss in my ability to absorb oxygen) or even how to spell simple words or forgetting how to get to a destination that I had driven to many times.
I really thought that I maybe had early onset Alzheimer's.
Also, I was diagnosed with anemia which occurs with blood loss which they thought was possibly due to polyps in my colon or an ulcer which after a colonoscopy/endoscopy they determined wasn't the case.
They have no fucking clue what's going on.
I lost 35 lbs when I was in the hospital of which I've only regained 1/2.
Fatigue, all the fucking time (I take naps all day long, like 4 or 5.) then I can't sleep more than 4 hours a night (has anyone notice my posts at 4/5 o'clock in the morning, that's why)
This really, really sucks.
And then I see all these motherfuckers all over the World protesting mandates that are in place to SAVE FUCKING LIVES!!!!
I don't give a fuck about they're fucking freedom, those stupid, stupid people, they're a clear & present danger to my family, myself & others.
Don't they get that?
And now we have those assholes in Canada infringing on other people's rights and praised by the like of Carlson/Cruz/MTG and most of the GOP.
And now an American faction is starting, threating to disrupt the Super Bowl & shut down DC like they are doing in Ottawa.
I hope every last one of them/their families/ friends/pets all get it and fucking die, so the rest of the sane people in this World can get back to some semblance of a normal life.

Get the vaccination & wear a mask, PLEASE!!!

I have a lot of info if you want any advice, just PM me.
One more to add to the local covid list. Sister tested positive a couple three days ago. She sounded really rough the first day, then a little better each day since. Her old man had gone to stay with his family (when he tested positive) since they all have covid too. Not sure if he is going to come home now or not. They did call in Hospice for his father. No nursing homes would take him when he was released from hospital due to his covid, so it was their only option.

(so far I have not been asked to feed chickens or dogs. I have made one run to Walmart's pharmacy)
The main difference, in this part of europe anyway, is the ratio. Between anti-vax and sane people. Between far right and the rest. There's the same overlap though. Far right politicians claiming absurd nonsense about vaccinations.

He got 6 months in prison. I'm guessing that would be different in the US.

Far right fascist threatening dems with "tribunals".

Although the smoking gun is missing, they clearly have ties with Russia

They (the far right party) proclaimed today they are pro-life. Irrational far right populism became a US export product. Because Spain, Poland, Ireland, Morocco and other countries didn't/don't allow abortions, we sent abortion ships and parked them at their coasts so women there could be helped. That's how by far most here feel about abortion rights. That's how absurd far right is being right now. They basically parrot nonsense from conservative americans on social media. It's laughable. We have a low tolerance for irrational bs in NL, especially the part actually called Holland, but most countries in Europe have similar Trump wannabees feeding the same flawed human beings.

Your comments about a different tune has been something of public debate here recently. Whether the sane portion of society is keeping a door open for the nutters to return to earth. Instead of pushing them further away and declaring them subhuman. The ratio difference makes that an entirely different discussion here. I have no idea how I'd handle a situation where seemingly the other half are batshit crazy anti-vax fascists, but I'm sure it would only motivate me more to demand from others they stay rational and reasonable. It's really the only thing that can get us through this era of information, need to vax people against bs and give them a daily booster shot.

The recuctio ad absurdum was Dr's implication you cannot suggest people should not hate on people suffering or dying from covid and still wish the most horrible covid experience on Trump. That's like saying you can't hate on a lack of gun control cause a gun can kill hitler.

this is interesting.

are you a Democracy?
this is interesting.

are you a Democracy?
I have no idea what you are trying to ask/say or what the relevance is to this thread but the article’s suggestion van Agt was an anti-semite is absurd. He was the leader of the main left wing party. His sympathy for occupied Palestinians got him that label, from amongst others a German who also labelled an Auschwitz survivor with the same ideas as an anti-semite. Their criticism on Isreal is very similar to what I read here from left americans. He’s also the political father of the tolerant cannabis laws and coffeeshops.

Am I a democracy? huh? I’m not familiar with all the details, I know the House is going to have a debate about it. The article refers to the WOB law, which allows anyone to discretely and with no reason given request any information from the government and some other publicly funded organizations. To keep things transparent. The influence of foreign governments and organizations on our universities and associated organizations has been an ongoing issue. Chinese students are afraid of even participating in classes that include Taiwan as a topic. Same thing with Turkish money going to some islamic schools where they teach things that go against a liberal democracy. This foreign influence is not acceptable. The anti-semetic labels now seem to come from making a comparisson with a WWII situation where people were forced by nazis to give up jewish contacts. That crooked comparisson and labeling Israel critics as anti-semites will not exclude Israelian influence from scrutiny. We have the right to know who pays what and how that translates to influence on what our students’ heads are filled with.

and with Big Pharma antics your doctor is afraid to prescribe you out of fear..good luck growing old with that shit..and then you can be in a Purple State where your doctor writes orders but your nurse doesn't follow because 'they' know better than your doctor..'they' know what's 'safe' for you.
I have no idea what you are trying to ask/say or what the relevance is to this thread but the article’s suggestion van Agt was an anti-semite is absurd. He was the leader of the main left wing party. His sympathy for occupied Palestinians got him that label, from amongst others a German who also labelled an Auschwitz survivor with the same ideas as an anti-semite. Their criticism on Isreal is very similar to what I read here from left americans. He’s also the political father of the tolerant cannabis laws and coffeeshops.

Am I a democracy? huh? I’m not familiar with all the details, I know the House is going to have a debate about it. The article refers to the WOB law, which allows anyone to discretely and with no reason given request any information from the government and some other publicly funded organizations. To keep things transparent. The influence of foreign governments and organizations on our universities and associated organizations has been an ongoing issue. Chinese students are afraid of even participating in classes that include Taiwan as a topic. Same thing with Turkish money going to some islamic schools where they teach things that go against a liberal democracy. This foreign influence is not acceptable. The anti-semetic labels now seem to come from making a comparisson with a WWII situation where people were forced by nazis to give up jewish contacts. That crooked comparisson and labeling Israel critics as anti-semites will not exclude Israelian influence from scrutiny. We have the right to know who pays what and how that translates to influence on what our students’ heads are filled with.

i met a student from Taiwan the other day..our dogs played and he told me Taiwan was really urban and crowded..he said he was happy to be here for the next several geo-political was discussed.

i dunno it's the Netherlands and kind of hard to live the Anne Frank turn-in own that.
Fuck me
Now it makes sense
I never really had a good memory, but I have definitely noticed a decline in my ability to remember things now.
Like a drastic decline that occurred rapidly after having Covid this last summer.
I now have a hard time remembering Dr. appointments, which I am still seeing weekly as a result of my lungs being fucked (55% loss in my ability to absorb oxygen) or even how to spell simple words or forgetting how to get to a destination that I had driven to many times.
I really thought that I maybe had early onset Alzheimer's.
Also, I was diagnosed with anemia which occurs with blood loss which they thought was possibly due to polyps in my colon or an ulcer which after a colonoscopy/endoscopy they determined wasn't the case.
They have no fucking clue what's going on.
I lost 35 lbs when I was in the hospital of which I've only regained 1/2.
Fatigue, all the fucking time (I take naps all day long, like 4 or 5.) then I can't sleep more than 4 hours a night (has anyone notice my posts at 4/5 o'clock in the morning, that's why)
This really, really sucks.
And then I see all these motherfuckers all over the World protesting mandates that are in place to SAVE FUCKING LIVES!!!!
I don't give a fuck about they're fucking freedom, those stupid, stupid people, they're a clear & present danger to my family, myself & others.
Don't they get that?
And now we have those assholes in Canada infringing on other people's rights and praised by the like of Carlson/Cruz/MTG and most of the GOP.
And now an American faction is starting, threating to disrupt the Super Bowl & shut down DC like they are doing in Ottawa.
I hope every last one of them/their families/ friends/pets all get it and fucking die, so the rest of the sane people in this World can get back to some semblance of a normal life.

Get the vaccination & wear a mask, PLEASE!!!

actually, we started it but no one considered that Canadians have the balls and would do Americans have to step up their evil-doing..this is all Trump.
Anne Frank was ratted out by someone when the country was occupied by nazi germany. Most recently concluded research indicates this may have been another jewish person who tried to save his own ass. Whoever it was, some people ratted out others, some risked their lives to hide jews like Anne Frank. To suggest we as a country own Anne Frank being ratted out or anti-semitism defines us even the slightest is like saying you own 9/11. Your whataboutism is absurd and nasty. Apparently I struck a nationalistic nerve with my non-judgemental ratio comparison.
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