Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
That was a nice bird, MissH. Don't do meat, but that was a nice one. I'd take a pic of ours, but it is mostly bones now. We had friends and family over after all, and had a good spread. Now I am useless, I ate WAY too much yesterday.

I am low on consumables, too. Grrrr.


New Member
I was sitting in bed eating cake at 10:30 last night, talk about eating way too much yesterday. I sent half the cake home with my friend yesterday, I didn't want it here where I'd eat the whole damn thing !!!


New Member
What quote?

I know you're just funnin with Twisty, I'm still in power mom mode from yesterday and I was "mothering" him. OK, don't get nasty with that either Vette or I'll tell China no spankings for you !!!


Well-Known Member
actually, i dont think i can +rep anyone here again yet.

smoking some t-day hashish from the unk...gotta love buying from family, i got charged more than i would have in the ghetto! 30 a gram!!!


New Member
You're family overcharges you? They don't sell to you at cost? Sorry but that's kind of red.

OH the "bush bitch thing" *finally up to speed* I love Eddie Murphy.


Well-Known Member
i agree miss. i know times are hard and everyone's concentrating on getting thiers, but come on. hardly anyone gives a break on anything anymore. its all me, me, me. why i started growing again.