sphagnum moss experienced growers?


Well-Known Member
It will be better yes but still not that good, I've had lots of lights, looking at some new LEDs but I could go cheap as there's too many hps and cmh about on a budget.

In veg I have some florescent lights and a cheap mars hydro pushed together.

It can be hard to get a top led just because they can cost a pretty packet. You need to base your light on your expectations, small light small harvest.
I know what you’re saying. My thing is I guess I don’t want to spend a pretty penny on a light & it not flower :( I just don’t know what to do lol but you’ve given me my best advice.
Can I see your set up?


Well-Known Member
Basic 100w mars ts1000 is £$130. That's about entry point for a small tent and veg. It will do for flower but you should be able to view threads where people did that for better idea.

Cheap leds advertise high Watts and flower but they really bend the truth and that 600w cheap light will be less light than the lower wattage mars hydro.

Seriously growing can become a bit of a commitment. I don't know anything about the lights you look at, I don't think many would use them to ask either.

Others use spider farmer, fluence, all have a basic veg version.


Well-Known Member
Basic 100w mars ts1000 is £$130. That's about entry point for a small tent and veg. It will do for flower but you should be able to view threads where people did that for better idea.

Cheap leds advertise high Watts and flower but they really bend the truth and that 600w cheap light will be less light than the lower wattage mars hydro.

Seriously growing can become a bit of a commitment. I don't know anything about the lights you look at, I don't think many would use them to ask either.

Others use spider farmer, fluence, all have a basic veg version.
Thank you for this though ! Another question what light would I use for flower ? Because they say they do veg & flower


Well-Known Member
That light will do for flowering one plant possibly more at a squeeze. It's just we sometimes use bigger lights than veg to flower but veg lights will do. Some will have used it for flower you should be able to find some comparisons. A big upgrade you should enjoy it lots.


Well-Known Member
That light will do for flowering one plant possibly more at a squeeze. It's just we sometimes use bigger lights than veg to flower but veg lights will do. Some will have used it for flower you should be able to find some comparisons. A big upgrade you should enjoy it lots.
Yay ! Comes in Tuesday hope it will help it a little more give it that boost but all the reviews said & showed proof of it working really well in the flower stage


Well-Known Member
Don't take this the wrong way op. You need to do some research. Seems like you're jumping into a lake first then learning how to swim. Result...drowning


Well-Known Member
Yeah. You got that ace right? It’s not bad but if your starting seeds or cuttings. It’s hot.
you wanna mix it with some perlite and seed starting mix to help lighten the load.
I got this soil for when I repot it for Veg stage ! I just ordered some perlite also.
what is ace?
the plant is currently is starting green from lowes & is doing great ! & my new light comes tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Yeah. You got that ace right? It’s not bad but if your starting seeds or cuttings. It’s hot.
you wanna mix it with some perlite and seed starting mix to help lighten the load.
also instead of starting my seed that I just found in moss I decided to put it in soil I put it in the Star green soil today.


Well-Known Member
Your plant looks fantastic, see how easy it was to grow one in just soil and water. My advice will be different but with a pinch of salt -

It doesn't need repotting yet.

I've use many soils none were too hot or needed perlite.

Your tent and tinfoil aren't doing anything but if you like the foil it's not doing any harm.

A 2x2' tent 1.6m tall should be about what you need if you plan to keep it small and just use that light but a small 4" low powered vent fan will need to be added to the tent to prevent overheating and move air around as it pulls it through and extracts it out. I know more costs.

You can leave it as it is keep it cheap but the basics apply so watering and light height will be number one importance.

Last on the list, most growers go on about pH, calmag etc but you should ignore that you've got it right already what your doing is all it basically needs.

You want 25-35 watts a square foot and the light won't spread much further than 2'. You got about that. Exceed that and you will get less bud. Maybe why some lights aren't really for flower because too small but you keeping it small will mean that light flowers well and should produce upwards of 3oz.

Looking forward to seeing if you can keep the basics right and its continued good growth. Welcome to the mj grow club.


Well-Known Member
You can find some others who use that light for veg, could be you can get the light closer, just a thought but most data is online or on rollitup if you look and read about.