Exactly, enjoy
The island i live on is said to have one of the best survival chancers if the earth goes nuclear. Not something id ever want to contemplate but the world knows America is crazy enough to use em.
If Vlad keeps this shit up and they think he might be better dead than alive they might first strike him with stealth cruise missiles and then nail them with a conventional first strike. It's being discussed, a surprise attack could cripple them before they can launch, all options are on the table when Vlad threatens to use nukes. He could grab all of Europe one piece at time and threaten any who oppose him with nuclear annihilation. Someone might think it best to strike at a time and place of our choosing, using deception and the element of surprise, along with high tech and sheath weapons. If Vlad uses nukes first, he will be expecting a response.
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and watch the air and sea currents spread it around the globe.
Secondary consideration, if Vlad used nukes it would be a likely scenario, America, the UK and France would strike Russia all at once. As the article mentioned thousands of nukes have already been detonated in the atmosphere, it is a horrible idea and if you thought wearing a mask was a pain in the ass...
If Vlad keeps this shit up and they think he might be better dead than alive they might first strike him with stealth cruse missiles and then nail them with a conventional first strike. It's being discussed, a surprise attack could cripple them before they can launch, all options are on the table when Vlad threatens to use nukes. He could grab all of Europe one piece at time and threaten any who oppose him with nuclear annihilation. Someone might think it best to strike at a time and place of our choosing, using deception and the element of surprise, along with high tech and sheath weapons. If Vlad uses nukes first, he will be expecting a response.
We are not going to attack Russia. Nukes will only be used if a country is on it's knees. So we are not going to let Russia get beat down that bad. We want him out of Ukraine, but we don't want Russia to become a failed state.
If Vlad keeps this shit up and they think he might be better dead than alive they might first strike him with stealth cruse missiles and then nail them with a conventional first strike. It's being discussed, a surprise attack could cripple them before they can launch, all options are on the table when Vlad threatens to use nukes. He could grab all of Europe one piece at time and threaten any who oppose him with nuclear annihilation. Someone might think it best to strike at a time and place of our choosing, using deception and the element of surprise, along with high tech and sheath weapons. If Vlad uses nukes first, he will be expecting a response.
No, he cannot and wont go for any Nato country.
I have seen Lucky Luke around for a long time and frequents the Australian growers thread for years. I always thought he was an Aussie . If not he has had me fooled for a very very long time.
OK, I've always been willing to consider the alternative if the evidence allows. It's nothing to me. I just haven't met a single other Australian with such antipathy to the US. I don't know anybody in the US who reciprocates that anger toward Australia either.

His posts make no sense either. US aligns with NATO allies after Putin invades Ukraine and luke rants "bbbut Hiroshima" and "bbut Afghanistan". The logic eludes me.

So I've always been willing to consider the possibility that he's not a Chinese troll, but the alternative is as likely from what I know of him.

I am not making up that Chinese are waging psy ops campaigns in Australia:

He's never said squat about that. Not even when I mention it to him. It's always bad US this, bad US that.

He's on ignore, so not big deal. Just speaking my mind.
We are not going to attack Russia. Nukes will only be used if a country is on it's knees. So we are not going to let Russia get beat down that bad. We want him out of Ukraine, but we don't want Russia to become a failed state.
Vlad is openly threatening to use nukes, this has automatically set in train a series of discussions and plans.
We are not going to attack Russia. Nukes will only be used if a country is on it's knees. So we are not going to let Russia get beat down that bad. We want him out of Ukraine, but we don't want Russia to become a failed state.
If Nukes are only to be used when a countries on its knees isn't it then better to not use them? They are meant to be used as a deterrent (That's what the nuclear armed countries have always said). If a country is on its knees then the deterrent hasn't worked. Why kill, maime and desecrate more, cause more harm?