State of the Union

Biden won and trump lost.
Hadji is still pissed off!
Did you know that manufacturing sector went into recession under Trump? He promised he'd grow manufacturing jobs and the share of manufacturing jobs in the US dropped.

More initiatives to grow manufacturing jobs in the US launched last year by Biden and the Democratic Party controlled congress than Trump's administration launched in four years.

But you just sit back and carp. I understand why. You don't have the skills to work in the new fabs that will reverse losses in US chip manufacturing that Trump accelerated. Maybe you should take Ivanka's advice and "Do something different".
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i just found out who the two hecklers were.....fuckin Boebert and Greene.......Boebert hackled when Biden was talkin bout his son, and Greene in her dumbness started a "build that wall" during the immigration area...smh
Im having fun too jackasses. But the thread was about the SOTU speech and has now derailed. Apologies to the OP. I’m checking out.