I here ya, when you have that much to move, and people only want to buy a smidgin here and there, it makes it hard. I'm just a little fish, and don't produce enough but once a year to pay the states fees for licensing, and we don't have any dispensary that's close, so I can make a few extra dollars like I have been for what seems like a lifetime, LOL
My little indoor re-start will have my clones good and ready for good weather here, and I'll have a small crop ready when it's the "dry" season.
Hopefully things get better for you this year, hold your ground, and let the others fall to the waste side, and hopefully you can pick up some more equipment on the cheap, FB around here has been littered with equipment from people who didn't understand that you just can't buy a light and plop a seed, then magically you get buds, it takes a bit of work.
Your crop looks awesome once again by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!