Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
With the limited testing and reporting now it makes seeing what's going on more difficult, the wastewater testing and reporting is limited and seems to be weeks behind and hospital data lag infections so it's like looking into your rear view mirror to see where your going. It looks alarming the number of new sub-variants being spawned by omicron, especially from BA2 and scientists have commented on that fact. On a side note, the anti mask/vaccine trolls seem to be much less since the start of the Ukraine war, guess the troll farms are working the mad midgets war propaganda more now.


Well-Known Member
What's happening in Shanghai is going to be interesting. They can't do their usual zero covid lock down strategy because it's the center of the Chinese economy and main export location. There are thousands of cases a day and 40% of those are asymptomatic and that's with their mandatory testing,tracking and tracing with prison like quarantine camps. If they can keep this up against omicron with out a lock down I will be surprised.


Well-Known Member
Here is NS they dropped masks a few days ago and there are a lot of people not wearing one, they only did it because it was required. Still when it was required, we had pretty good compliance here and we have a 93% single dose vaxx rate around 88% double dosed and over half the eligible boosted. I dunno how wide spread antiviral treatment is yet though or who is eligible for it.


Well-Known Member
I eat a lot of broccoli so maybe this has helped us. Make sure you eat your greens.


Ursus marijanus
I eat a lot of broccoli so maybe this has helped us. Make sure you eat your greens.
You are warming the globe, acolyte of Crucifer.



Well-Known Member
I eat a lot of broccoli so maybe this has helped us. Make sure you eat your greens.

Rosemary is suppose to help with long covid.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing. We stopped wearing masks at work about a month ago.

This weekend our family all got the stomach flu. Vomicking, weezling, etc.

So I have to work today - can't cover it. So I wear a mask. Guy comes in who was an utter twat about masks during Covid. Called mask wearers cowards, sissies, etc., refused to wear one himself. He sees me wearing a mask and asks why... I tell him, stomach flu. I say "if you want, I can take it off". He immediately and emphatically says "NO!"

So I tell him, "you know the survival rate of stomach flu is ridiculously high." Then I start to laugh.

People are so fucking dumb.
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