Random Jabber Jibber thread

A so-so movie but the event it portrayed "Orphan Trains" was real, from just before the American Civil War thru the end of the 1920's and involved some 200,000 children.
I'm hoping for the war economy surge.
My son is in buy mode. If I were his age I probably would be too.
When I was still working, I preached and preached to the youngsters to max out their 401's and Roths. They, (much like I did at that age), said WTF does this old geezer know and I wish he'd STFU about it!
I backed off my risk factor when I retired otherwise it would most certainly be worse.
I didn't and kept all of it in equities, no bonds, but I can get by on other income, SS and such. Only problem now is I have to start taking Required Minimum Distributions which sucks if the market is at a low. This is the first year I have to do that so I have until April of next year for mkt to rebound.
When I was still working, I preached and preached to the youngsters to max out their 401's and Roths. They, (much like I did at that age), said WTF does this old geezer know and I wish he'd STFU about it!
The last 21 years of my working life I was putting 25% of my salary into the 401.
I talked to the kids as well & got the same response (much like I probably would have at their age).